Your favorite brick bot is going out of beta.

Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2020

You’ve read it right. SolydBot is officially transitioning to version 1.0. This recap will be a little different from the old ones since we’re introducing a new chapter in the history of SolydBot. We hope you are as happy as we are to gather some information about the future. So let’s start!

SolydBot Version 1.0 is coming this week. Every current beta user will be able to upgrade their license to a renewal plan through the dashboard. The deadline will be on the 4th of September 2020. So every user will have 4 days to decide whether they want to upgrade or not — it’s your decision.
The following will slightly explain what 1.0 brings and what the future of SolydBot will look like.

We’ve started SolydBot very late October — more like at the beginning of November 2019. It has been a great experience to learn from mistakes, learn new abilities and skills, learn about the sneaker community from a different point of view, and lastly being able to pull off a big project like this.
Version 1.0 is the key component of what SolydBot is and will be.

We put in allnighters, sweat, tears, some showers, nasty fast food, an unhealthy lifestyle, and put them all together so we could build the first versions of SolydBot. With the big help of our users running and reporting bugs, making suggestions, and expressing their thoughts on our product, we were able to create 1.0. Now, let‘s focus a little on small details of 1.0:

Upgrades people, upgrades!

If you are one of the lucky people who got a beta license to this day you are now able to upgrade your license to renewal for an initial price of 199€ until 04.09.20, 23:59 CEST. All beta licenses that were not upgraded until the deadline will be getting deleted and your access will be lost.

Upgrade via the dashboard at

1.0 will NOT have new sites added to the site list.

1.0 will be available to all renewal and lifetime users on 05.09.20. (time will be revealed on our Discord server)

Now, why are we not adding new sites to 1.0?

As stated, we learned a lot. And by a lot, we especially mean our skills in developing a bot the right way. The early days of the project are still shaping the structure and the performance and we have learned a lot about how to optimize and make things more reliable. The essentials of our project are now set. 1.0 is making it possible for us to have a solyd foundation that we can use to work further on. The whole focus in the past months has been on the product itself and about redefining our standards. This update is allowing us to add new stuff easier, push updates faster, and most importantly enhance the user experience for everyone.

We see 1.0 as the second beginning of SolydBot. We used our development skills and the gathered experience to create a seamless experience for users. We have bigger plans with SolydBot, which is why we are taking our time with everything we do. Our goal is to be satisfied with the product we deliver.

In the coming days, we will have another medium post on why and how 1.0 was built. For you to understand the meaning behind the efforts we put into this piece of software. The future we see with our software is big and we‘re aiming to create you, our users, the most seamless experience to generate profits for yourselves and your businesses. This medium post will fully reveal 1.0.

The dashboard will support the upgrade from the moment this post is published. Thank you for the patience and your trust, we don’t take it for granted and we are happy for every user that joins our journey — it really means the world to us! ❤️

