Woman’s Morning Workout No Match For Subsequent Starbucks Order

Matt Shaver | Some News
Some News
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2022

CHICAGO — Despite pushing her heart rate above 170 for the majority of its 45-minute duration, local woman Naomi Caroll’s workout was no match for her subsequent Starbucks order. “I always tell my friends that spin class isn’t over until I’ve had my venti iced mocha with whole milk, whipped cream, and an extra shot of espresso, I just can’t start my day without it,” said Caroll, seemingly oblivious to the fact that her daily coffee order contained over 50 grams of sugar and twice as many calories as her Apple Watch said she had burned. “Sometimes, when I feel like I’ve had a really good workout, I’ll add an extra pump or two of mocha sauce to help me recover. And if I didn’t eat anything before class, I make sure to add some cinnamon dolce sprinkles so I don’t pass out. Could you imagine! I just hit my 100th ride and even though I haven’t lost any weight I’ve gained a lot of confidence in myself, and that’s the only thing that matters, right? In fact, you know what, I’m going to celebrate with a frappuccino right now. I’ll spin it off later anyway!” Afterward, at the Starbucks counter, Naomi told the barista that she’d recently been diagnosed as prediabetic, so to cut back on sugar she was trying to eat less fruit.

