6: Be kind. Be humble. Be thankful.

Some things I learned at Square
2 min readAug 3, 2015

If there’s any parting advice, I’d say this: be kind, be humble, and be thankful.

Square has done an incredible job at hiring people who are truly kind. When you’re sitting in a meeting and look around the table, you’ll likely see smiling faces and people you’re excited to work with. Never be a jerk and never hire jerks. Work is hard enough. Be kind and patient with those around you. Question the validity of their statements, but try not to get bogged down by questioning their intent. Everyone wants to make this company a huge success and the better everyone works together, the better chance we’ll have at making that happen.

During your time at Square, you will see success and the company will see success. Stay grounded and don’t let any of this go to your head. Remember who you were the day you walked in the door and hold onto that humility. I’m not exactly sure who said this, but I think about it often. Basically the saying goes, “When things are going bad, you’re not as terrible as they say you are. But when things are going good, you’re not as brilliant as they say you are either.”

It’s okay to be proud of what you accomplish, but always stay humble. And it’s okay to celebrate your successes, but always get back to work the next day. There are other people and other companies out there who are gunning for your success. Don’t get comfortable and let off the gas, or they will catch up.

And finally, always remain thankful for this amazing opportunity. Each morning when you get into the elevator and tap your badge for floor six and it works, pause to consider how incredible that is. You now work for one of the best companies in the world!

