
Alioune Fall
8 min readOct 3, 2019


Some Wei’re is an Ethereum (exclusively for now) mobile dapp, for treasure hunts, allowing the users to bury a certain amount of ether or dig for ether at a location. Treasure hunts, like Satoshi’s Treasure, can be set up by the users.

It exploits a smart contract, that receives the amount with a crypted location, when burying. When digging at that same location, the digger unlocks the buried amount with the corresponding crypted location as the key.

The dapp will allow any kind of event to be incentivized, whether it is a bycicle race, a hike, a trek, an escape game or a marketing event. The users will have the chance to win real ether. It is up to the organizers to communicate the hints to find the location of the treasure or treasures.

Let’s get into some more details right away!

The home screen displays your current location on Maps®, with a marker at your exact position. Below is your position, Latitude and Longitude, in Decimal Degrees, with 4 decimal places (meaning a 10m² radius). To get more into decimal degrees :

The map is displayed with a hybrid 90° view (from above, like a real satellite!!). The hybrid view means a satellite view with street names and points of interests displayed. All the Maps® features are obviously available, like zoom in, zoom out and infos on points of interests.

When things start to get crypto, it’s when you notice the Ethereum symbol and the number on the right below the map! It’s the input amount you can modify to specify the amount that’s going to be buried when you tap the bury button (the green button on the right). Now let’s bury something!!

First of all, to be able to do anything, you’ll have to be logged in, or your buttons will be disabled (like when you first launch the app). Let’s get into how to log in with an Ethereum account.

When you go into the account tab, you’ll have to tap the edit account button and enter your private key. As said on the screen, the private key is stored on your device encrypted with your lock screen password. Meaning it is not stored openly readable on a file on your device so you can get hacked in a sec!

The account corresponding to the private key has to have a balance above 0, or you won’t be able to log in.

Once it is done, your account infos will be displayed :

  • Your private key, as a password
  • The address of the private key
  • The balance of the account

You can now go back into the home tab, and your buttons will be enabled, and the READY flag will be green, just like me. Now let’s really bury something!

Given the amount in the input field on the right below the map, and after we tapped the bury button, we get into the burying screen alert dialog and there’s a lot here!

On the top, as the main message, we get a confirmation of the location we find ourselves at, and the amount to bury. We then get, as a submessage, the price. Yes, as a transaction on the blockchain, you have to pay transaction fees, that are going to be paid to the miner of the transaction. Plus 0.10USD (in ether. The dapp loads the last USD/ETH rate and will always charge you 0.10USD no matter how much the rate is), the fee for using Some Wei’re. You can then count a total between 0.20 and 0.30USD, for this amount to bury.

The last message, is a warning. DO NOT FORGET YOUR COORDINATES! We can give you back your buried amount, given the coordinates, if, let’s say, you buried in the middle of the woods on a night with your friends, and you have the coordinates but you just don’t know how to go back at the exact place to get your treasure. But if you do not have your coordinates, your treasure will be lost. And nobody will ever find it……. Always take a screen shot of the next alert message :

Great! Now take a screenshot, right the coordinates down, do something!

The amount has then been sent to the contract to be stored, with the coordinates, encrypted, as the key. Only being at the exact place (in a 10m² radius, remember?) will unlock the amount and send it to the lucky one.

As the address which buried the ether, you can use the treasure status feature. You will be able to see if your treasure is still at the coordinates, or if there’s nothing there anymore. You can only check the status of a treasure you buried with the address it has been buried with. Otherwise, you’ll just see nothing. Doesn’t necessary mean there’s nothing though…………

Let’s go back to the account tab, and tap the Buried Treasure’s Status button

On the alert dialog, you see two inputs, the Latitude (above) and the Longitude (below). You’ll have to enter the exact coordinates of your buried treasure (in Decimal Degrees, with 4 decimal places still). The price of this transaction will only be the transaction fees, to the miner.

Once you confirm, and wait for the transaction to be validated and mined, the status of your treasure will be sent to you.

Well, there’s indeed a treasure isn’t it? So let’s dig it!!

Hold on, first, a few hints we find REALLY important to underline :

  • If you bury a treasure, and then want to dig it, you’ll have to know that your position is locked whenever you tap either of the two main buttons (dig and bury). You won’t receive any GPS signal in the dapp anymore and your position will not change, unless you cancel the action. When you carry on the transaction and the confirmation message is displayed,
    your GPS signal will come back to the dapp. Now, for some devices, GPS positioning can be very very approximate. And this can be quiet an issue!! The GPS sensors are constently readjusting your position, so it can move from one point to another quickly. It only stays fixed when good signals are received. That is why the grey button in the middle
    (with the lock) can be very useful. By tapping it, you can lock your position at any time. No signal will be received. The button then becomes yellow and the lock is closed. LOCK YOUR POSITION if you want to avoid all the GPS approximation that can be anoying sometime.
  • If you still have trouble with your GPS signal, giving you a position 60 feets away from where you actually are, don’t worry at all, you’re probably missing a signal lock (different from the position lock above, here we’re talking about GPS lock, at least 4 satellites)! To help you find out what’s really going on with your GPS, we REALLY REALLY ADVISE you to use, with Some Wei’re, the GPS Fix and Status app.

GPS Fix and Status is everything you ever hoped to have when using the GPS on your phone. It helps you :

1 : Use GPS when the screen is off. With this option, you won’t loose your position lock when your screen is off. This can swallow some battery time but can be very helpful when hunting for some treasure.

2 : Diagnose your GPS signal, by displaying the quality of the signals you’re receiving from satellites. You’ll then know when you’re just not having any lock on the signals, just find a spot around when you can get some lock again!

3 : Download aGPS data regularly, to help you load your positioning quicker. (to get more information about aGPS :

The GPS Fix and Status faq is available here, to help you decypher all the symbols that are displayed and all the functionalities :

Now we can go back to the home tab. We’re still at the same location, we didn’t move (just a bit…). So we can dig the ether, obviously.

The digging button is the green button on the right. After we tap it, there’s the confirm alert dialog. It shows the coordinates at which we want to dig.

The submessage tells us the price. It will still be 0.10USD for the Some Wei’re fee, plus the transaction fees for the miner. You can count 0.20 to 0.30USD total.

Once we dug at the location, we wait for the transaction to be validated and mined. Now wait for it…………

YES!!! We found our treasure!! We can then check our account and see if our balance has been refunded our buried amount back (minus all the fees we paid of course).

With that being said, may fortune be with all of you! For any kind of contact, feel free to email at Other stories about the dapp or related events will come next.

