Mental Health Awareness Week

Somerton Sporting Club
3 min readMay 13, 2022

very day we are surrounded by many people, yet one in five of us feels lonely some or most of the time. The fact that in an era of globalization and socialization people experience loneliness more than ever before, is unbelievable. But facts speak for themselves.

According to the Community Life Survey, in 2021 6% of English people felt lonely often or all the time and 19% of respondents felt lonely occasionally. That is 25% of people who suffer from depression and bad mood every day!

Nevertheless, for some reason people choose not to talk about this problem, leaving millions of people to deal with it on their own. But Mental Health Foundation decided to bring this topic to the spotlight. This year, they look to raise awareness on how loneliness impacts millions of people around the globe, leading to depression, anxiety, and overall reduced mental health.

Somerton supports the initiative of the Mental Health Foundation and wants people, who are experiencing the impacts of loneliness, to know that their feelings are valid and their mental health matters. As a sporting community, we are convinced that sporting activities can help you overcome depression and fight the feeling of loneliness. In this article, we would love to share with you several ways, in which exercising and physical activity can combat that nasty and destructive feeling and improve overall mental health.


Many sports involve working together with others in a team, such as football or polo. Equally, there are plenty of sports options to choose from that don’t involve teamwork but still allow you to connect with those, who share your sports interest. Whether it’s golf, horse riding, or roller skating, you can meet new people and reconnect with old friends through the fun of sports! Socializing can help you reduce those feelings of loneliness. Moreover, according to Dr. Craig Sawchuk, a Mayo Clinic psychologist, it sharpens your memory and cognitive skills, increases your sense of happiness and well being, and may even help you live longer.


Exercise increases the production of endorphins in the brain. These feel-good neurotransmitters contribute to a happy mindset and improved mental health. You may have heard of this feeling referred to before as ‘runners high’, but running isn’t the only source, any physical activity can contribute to the release of endorphins. Get a friend to work out with you for an extra boosted endorphin-releasing session!


Stress is a natural reaction to any situation that may make you feel threatened or under pressure, our bodies experience the “fight or flight” adrenalin response. But if we don’t release this pent up adrenalin it can manifest into the unpleasant symptoms of stress, including a raised heart rate, anxiety and an upset stomach. Physical activity allows us to release this stress-induced adrenalin, reducing the negative effects of stress on our bodies and promoting improved mental wellbeing.


Find a sport you enjoy. Doing something you love will no doubt have a great effect on your mental health and open up the opportunity to meet others who share your interests. Focusing your mental energy on the sport at hand can help in taking your wandering mind away from other worries, making the activity a nice escape.

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Somerton Sporting Club

Head of Content at Somerton Sporting Club; A UK leading sports coach booking platform that has 40+ sports and wellness activities.