The “Narrow” way.

Joseph Thomas
Something Beautiful
2 min readOct 30, 2014


Christianity & Narrow — you got it wrong brother.

Being kind is easy, being compassionate is easy, being generous is easy (I can write code using switch case here for all the things that loop in). If all these things that RELIGION so call us to do are easy — sure that JESUS got it wrong when he mentioned the “NARROW” way ‘else’ we got it terribly wrong in understanding it.

Today’s gospel reading points us to strange answer that JESUS gave.

“Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough” Luke 13:22–30

For many its easy to be Kind, Generous, Compassionate (it all comes naturally to some) for sure there is GRACE. But to encounter with situations daily where it requires for me to take a STAND on the side of TRUTH (I am talking about ABSOLUTE TRUTH! not the “meet you in heaven types brother”) but the ones that qualms my conscience. The ones where my stand would truly reflect that I am a follower of CHRIST. I wonder if this is the “STRIVE” HE meant.

What if I am Kind, Generous and Compassionate to the whole world — and the world knows me as this great man with a golden heart. Still wondering! What does JESUS know that the world doesn't know. Now that’s what really matters.

I thank GOD for my Ex-Boss — someone who is the “STRIVE” types. Its different to listen to someone else’s story or stand — Its completely a different ball game to witness someones stand. Working with him I realized that light is LIGHT, Darkness is DARKNESS. There is nothing like “in-between”. Never heard him wax eloquence(or ever heard him preach) — I some how felt his “waxing” is not of this world.

Yeah! One of those crazy Assisi types :

“Preaching the word all the time, using words if necessary” St Francis.

Trying to walk the Narrow way!!!

Always (: Josse



Joseph Thomas
Something Beautiful

Designer, Gardener, Driver and a Friend to the Birds of the Air 🕊️🕊