Set your Priorities RIGHT — Faith over Money

Kunal Kumar
Something Cool
Published in
1 min readAug 18, 2015

Families are built on faith, relationships are built on faith, friendships are made of faith. But not companies, relation between an employee and a company is based on just money, Not anymore, not here.

Something Cool is being built on faith trust and honesty. Faith of our team members is the only ingredient we need to become atleast a 100 Million dollar company in valuation by the year 2020. I have no doubt that we will get there if I have the unshakable faith of our team members and a little dedication and a lot of hardwork and evangelism on the culture we are building. Even those who are not necessarily our team, but are followers who are putting their faith by using our products/apps or by mere liking our posts, sharing our articles and spreading the word are helping us get closer to the goal.

The culture of faith is by default the culture of leadership. If I trust you to take the right decision, I am eventually turning you into a leader, who evaluates a situation and make the call. You may be right, you may be wrong at times, but dont fret. We are here to make mistakes, experiment and succeed on the way, if that happens.

Everyone involved with us has chose to be with us, there is no greed no temptation to lure you in. You are here because you r putting your faith in us and we are putting ours in you.



Kunal Kumar
Something Cool

I am a REBEL and love to learn and experiment. I am made of travel stories, creative ideas and dreams. You can know me more here :