On Feeling Naked

Reflections on Intimacy and Vulnerability

Aloha Jacqueline
Something I Wrote


Singing and songwriting for me is an intimate practise.

It’s like getting naked with my Soul.

And sharing that intimacy, that song, that creation, this “nakedness” with others, feels like standing naked in public!

Where everyone can see…

All of me!!!

It’s terrifying.

And liberating.

Brene Brown was right when she said:

Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity.

In the end, all that we do in life, is a desire to come closer to ourselves.

To become more intimate with ourselves.

To discover more of who we are.

And in so doing, letting go of all that we *thought* we were.

Taking off the masks

We can finally begin peeling off the layers and layers of masks that we picked up at some time in our childhood, or teenage years, and thought we had to wear.

To be accepted.

To be included.

To be seen.

To be heard.

To be loved.

And yet, in so doing…

In complying.

In conforming.

In adjusting ourselves, whether slightly or profoundly.

We hide those parts of ourselves that were actually valuable.

The parts that acutally made us unique.

And different.

And so so so damn amazing.

It’s Time

Are you ready to start taking off your masks?

More espectially the ones you forgot about and have been wearing all these years?

They are heavy aren’t they?

Are you tired of them yet?

They aren’t who you really are my friend.

It’s safe to take them off.

It’s safe to let go the old.

The false faces.

The untrue expressions.

The masks that have made you their prisioners.

Let them go…

And be free.


And if you forgot who YOU really is.

It’s ok.

You will find your way back.

I promise.

Keep going.


