Can Interactive Fiction Be More Engaging Than Realistic Video Games?

It doesn’t seem possible for something text-based to stand up to games made by AAA studios, but research suggests otherwise.

Leigh Victoria Phan, MS
Something Put Forth


Photo Courtesy of Thomas Bethge on Adobe Stock

In my quest to gain a comprehensive understanding of current trends, tools, and research related to interactive fiction, I stumbled across a peer-reviewed article that really grabbed my attention. The abstract asked a question that seemed outlandish—can simple, text-based interactive fiction (IF) actually be more engaging to its audience than a polished, super realistic, HD video game?

It might sound like a long shot, but to an IF enthusiast like me, I had to keep reading. The article in question is ‘Doing there’ vs. ‘being there’: performing presence in interactive fiction. It was written by a University of Utah researcher named Alf Seegert. The article was published in
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds’ January 2009 issue. It’s worth noting that this was the journal’s first issue, so it doesn’t have a remarkably long publishing history.

Research implies that making your audience take action has more power to influence their sense of presence than really realistic…



Leigh Victoria Phan, MS
Something Put Forth

Brooklyn-based writer and poet. Designer in NYC. Drinks books and loves coffee. Has an MS from NYU in Integrated Design & Media. Working on an MFA in Fiction.