Handling Election Stress and Looking Forward

Sarah Kennedy
Something To Celebrate!
4 min readNov 5, 2020

Here’s the second edition of my Something To Celebrate newsletter, a weekly collection of ideas and tips for turning bad days around and staying connected with those you care about.

Whew, OK then, let’s do this!

Howdy folks,

Tough times right now.

You might be looking for ways to jump in and be super involved, ways to hole up and hide away from the world, or ways to comfort people (or yourself) while some of this election uncertainty becomes more and more certain.

Well, no matter where you’re landing today if you need something to count on, scroll down and look at the upcoming holidays — especially the silly ones. Make a plan to cook up some nachos tonight (National Nacho Day, natch) and, in the meantime, check out the history of the dish. Pick out a new novel or memoir you can dive into on Saturday so you can count yourself among the book lovers on Book Lovers Day. There is plenty to look forward to, friends.

Let’s do it!

Links To Cool Things

  • Something Digital: Cameo Potluck
    If you’re looking for a way to spice up a Zoom meet-up, try having everyone order and share a personalized celebrity video message from Cameo! Find out more details in this article on Medium.
  • Something That Helps: Plant a tree for $1
    When the world feels heavy and you just want a quick way to make a difference, this is a great option. This organization takes donations in single dollar increments and plants trees with the money. It would also make a low, LOW cost/high impact gift idea. A dollar a tree! A single dollar! A whole dang tree!
  • Something contact-free: Clementine Wreaths
    This is, like, the cutest, easiest, and healthiest drop off idea if you’re hankering to brighten someone’s day. A little bit of cellophane, a handful of citrus, some twine, and you are well on your way to making a real cute gift for someone in your life. Plus, it’s healthy!

Please, please, please take care of yourself!

I did a loose poll on Facebook this weekend and it looks like most people are gonna watch the election results as they roll in. This is threatening to go on for a looooong time too.

There’s an understandable drive to want to be plugged into cultural events and keep up with the most current events. I just beg you to stay safe, balanced, and cared for during this time. According to an article on Self.com, here are 13 election day/week mental health tips to protect yourself with:

1. There’s no “right” way to spend Election Day/Week/Month.

2. Set social media boundaries.

3. Decide where you’re going to get your news updates.

4. If you can’t look away, aim to take tiny, tiny breaks.

5. Have a support system, whatever that looks like for you.

6. Set boundaries with people in your life too.

7. Lean into basic self-care.

8. Schedule out your day ahead of time.

9. Find a way to help out, big or small.

10. Consider not drinking (or cutting back).

11. Get physical.

12. Have some backup distractions.

13. Lastly, please be kind to yourself.

I found this incredible Twitter advice that can give you something actionable to pull the trigger on when you need to:

For this week my Joy Tool Kit is:

Spend a couple minutes getting you kit together today and let it be a source of peace for you. I would love to hear about your list. Feel free to reply and share!

Upcoming Holidays to Celebrate:

November 5

Gunpowder Day

Guy Fawkes Day

Men Make Dinner Day — first Thursday of Month

November 6

Marooned without a Compass Day

National Nacho Day

Saxophone Day

November 7

Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

Book Lovers Day — first Saturday of the month

November 8

Cook Something Bold Day

Dunce Day

November 9

Chaos Never Dies Day

World Freedom Day

Pick one or some of the more obscure holidays and do something fun!

What about you?

Respond directly to this and tell me any personal things you are or someone close to you is celebrating (bdays, graduations, awards, high scores, etc etc etc).

We’ll make sure to feature them and cheer you on in next week’s email!

Alrighty, that’s it for this week.

We’ll talk again next Tuesday.

- SK

Ps. if you know someone else who should join our party, share this with them and let them know they can subscribe by clicking this link.

