Sarah Kennedy
Something To Celebrate!
4 min readOct 29, 2020

(This is a funny headline because this is the first issue but, also, Frankenstein Day is this week)

Here’s the first edition of my Something To Celebrate newsletter, a weekly collection of ideas and tips for turning bad days around and staying connected with those you care about.

Well, hiya!

Today is a special one.

It’s our first time hanging out like this and that is totally something to celebrate. Every day has something cool going for it but sometimes it takes a little energy and inspiration to bring out the festivities.

So, if you need that little nudge, especially during this absolutely feral time we’re living in right now, I hope you find it here.

Let’s dive in!

Links To Cool Things

  • Something Digital: DIY Magic Eyes
    ‘Member Magic Eye? It was a perfectly 90s fad where you would stare at a seemingly meaningless image until your eyeballs “relaxed” and then suddenly a 3Dish hidden image would emerge. Well, I’m excited to announce that MAGIC EYES ARE BACK, BABY! I found a tool that lets you make your own! Check out my attempts here. Give it a shot for yourself, and if you have kids, you can let them try. Good luck explaining these to them without sounding a thousand years old.
  • Something That Helps: Blanket Drive
    A dear friend, Carly Miller, is working to provide a fresh batch of warm, cozy blankets to a senior center in her community. You can read more details here. If you’re in New Mexico and you’d like to coordinate a safe blanket drop off in person, respond to this email and I can connect you with her. Alternatively, she has created an Amazon list of options if you’d rather pick from there and have it sent directly to the center. Helping others is always something to celebrate, y’all.
  • Something to do on Halloween: Trick-or-Treat Drinks!
    You know those gross Harry Potter jelly beans where some of the flavors are good and normal and some are grass and vomit and stuff? This is basically the same idea but with shots. Prep up a series of little sample drinks (nooooo pressure to make these boozy) — Some can be fruity and colorful, others can be savory and weird, and some others can be plain ol’ water! Serve ’em up and have the other people, IRL or online, try to guess if the drinks are tricks or treats.

The Souppening™ is Upon Us.

Autumn is such a killer time for soup. It’s really soup’s time to shine.

Sometimes, though, you wanna make a heaping helping in a big ol’ bubbling pot but you may only have to cook for yourself or one or two others.

I read an article a few years about hosting a soup swap — which is a fun soupy potluck held with friends in your home. The Souppening (tm) is a fun COVID safe take on things. We just did this with a handful of friends and it was so fun to get to try new recipes as well as cook up a nice lil’ something for people we love.

It’s a simple way to mix things up and makes some ordinary days into a couple of extraordinary ones.

A few quick texts, some ground rules laid, and you’re off and souping! Here’s a step-by-step that lays out what you need to do:

Upcoming Holidays to Celebrate:

October 27
Black Cat Day
National Tell a Story Day — in Scotland and the U.K.
Navy Day

October 28
Plush Animal Lover’s Day

October 29
Hermit Day
National Frankenstein Day

October 30
Frankenstein Friday — last Friday in October
National Candy Corn Day
Mischief Night

October 31
Carve a Pumpkin Day
Increase Your Psychic Powers Day

November 1
All Saint’s Day
National Author’s Day
World Vegan Day
Dias de Los Muertos

November 2
All Soul’s Day
Deviled Egg Day
Look for Circles Day

Pick one or some of the more obscure holidays and do something fun!
(Deviled Egg Day would be, like, a SUPER easy choice)

What about you?

Respond directly to this and tell me any personal things you are or someone close to you is celebrating (bdays, graduations, awards, high scores, etc etc etc).

We’ll make sure to feature them and cheer you on in next week’s email!

Alrighty, that’s it for this week.

There are seven days to make special ahead of us and there are plenty of big and small ways to make it happen.

Don’t forget about Daylight Savings too. It’s pret-ty awesome to get an extra hour of sleep.

Hey, I want you to know I see you out there tackling this high-stress and wildly different world day after day. You’re doing your best and I’m sure some days you feel like an actual superhero and other times you feel like you’re running on empty.

I hope this email helps in some way. Fills you up with hope and soup.

We’ll talk again next Tuesday.

- SK

Ps. if you know someone else who should join our party, share this with them and let them know they can subscribe by clicking this link.

