Truth about learning Data Science

Kavya Kumar
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2019

It owns the title of “The sexiest job”, it is the highest paid job in Australia and India after US, Yes! I am talking about Data science. I have seen people going head over heels for Data science because it is attractive by its fancy facts, it is also the job that people all over world are trying to approach yet still there is a shortage of Data Scientists. All this facts makes Data science desirable but little does they know that there are many untold practical facts of Data Science that usually stays under the carpet.

Only 45% in 100% could crack the Data Science interview, only half quarter in the 45% could sustain their job of Data Scientist, these facts may demotivate the young data science aspiring minds but there lays a significant reason for this situation, by knowing which, one could understand the practical insights of Data Science and can rationally make choice if the field is for them or not.

Data Science is difficult in nature because unless like other fields it doesn’t run by one static language, it contains algorithms and coding of various languages, this fact of Data Science seems to confuse its aspirants because it is anxious to assume what to learn exactly in Data science. There may may exists various reasons to fail at the Data Science journey because there exists very wrong notions about Data Science, but aspirants deserves to know the truth of Data science.

1. Data Science is hell hectic if self learning attempt is made!

I have seen people assuring Data Science could be learnt by self study, which is one fantasy because it consists of mathematics, statistics, numerous programming languages, database tools, presentation tools and still more. It is not impossible but nearly to impossible, each concept will be scattered into individual form which contains different and confusing methods to solve the problems. It will get badly tangled for especially beginners, by the time one tries to only understand the connections, he/she could easily learn the concepts from a good Data Science training institute. Data Science demands lot of work and effort once you become a Data Scientist, it demands much more effort and practice in the process of becoming a Data Scientist so it is very sane to choose to be guided by a good Data Science training center.

2. To learn Data Science is costly but it will also be one best investment ever made.

There are several DS training institutes that charges more to the course but trust me, it is one rational investment that one could ever make. Investment is not only of financial but also of efforts and dedication. Financially, once when you invest on learning Data Science you will be able to gain the double amount of it by working as a Data Scientist, even if one cannot make it out as a Data Scientist there are still many other options to become, also the concepts that one learns in Data science will be helpful in various other technical domains. As mentioned earlier, the efforts one puts upon learning concepts of Data Science will also be helpful in the technical field, the point is everything you invest on Data Science will never go in vain.

3. Only a good training center could save!

People usually end up with random Data Science training center by being influenced by someone on internet, it is lucky of them if their choice of training center is genuinely good at their job but if not, they will face much loss. There are several various training centers are available so it is common to choose the inappropriate one but there are some points that you will need to check while choosing the right institute for you.

First know that by taking data science, data scientist is not the only option to become, there are many other options to look for, so first understand what you are skilled the most in and what interests you because other occupations requires respective tools to be learnt. Once you realize your interests check for the institute that will offer the tools related to your choice of interest, there is no specific curriculum of Data Science course it varies from each training center, so select the center that will teach what you are supposed to to learn rather than ending up with different concepts.

These are some inside insights of Data Science that every aspirants deserves to know,

Thank you.



Kavya Kumar

Words make everything beautiful, as they are the ornaments for the emotions of heart.