Is there really such a thing as work that can both feed and fulfill you?

Somewhere in the Future of Work
4 min readSep 9, 2015


I hope so! Because I just jumped into the cold water…


But seriously, how can you find this elusive being that will both bring money and fulfillment AND you’ll call it work? If you think about it, a lot of things are construed as work because they take time and energy, but there’s something most people forget, too — what you do in your spare time used to be called a hobby and what brings you the money is called work.

So the REAL question is, Can you love your work?

Let’s see what our community said (and the thoughts they inspired) when we asked them how one could find work that both feeds and fulfills them.

A quote.

Life is not about finding yourself, but creating yourself.

These days a lot of people follow Mr. George Bernard Shaw’s advice. And why wouldn’t they? Why should we wander and wait for clarity and happiness to find us? Isn’t it our responsibility to get there?

I think it is. And our friend Frederik Hautain agrees:

I’ve always looked for opportunities that put me in the driver’s seat. Steering where you go tops waiting for your time to come.

YES! So many people spend their lives in the waiting place. And if you read what Dr. Seuss’s wrote about it, you’ll want to get out from there ASAP.


It’s a crowded and sad place. Nobody should stay there.

Which is why I encourage you to get off your butt and create your life the way you want it to be. And if you do, there is nothing that could stop you from finding that special work that feeds and fulfills you.

A different perspective.

Our friend Jonathan Cook says:

Work that fails to fulfill also fails to feed. In my research of commercial culture, I’ve seen that financial success follows dedication to authenticity. Cutting corners alienates customers and workers alike. So, I pursue work with deeper meaning.

Of course you wouldn’t be great at the job you’re not really into! No great thing was ever done without passion, and passion comes from purpose, a.k.a. meaning. When your work fulfills you, you give it your best. And your best then gets a lot of money as a nice little bonus.

On the contrary, if you constantly pursue work that kills your brain cells, and worse yet, procrastinate on doing the work that does excite you, then all you’ll have to show at the end is a bunch of checks. Gone, that is.

I have one rule — fight for that which lasts. Money doesn’t really last, but meaning does. And even though you should not compromise one for the other, you should not skimp on either one either.

A wise approach.

A LOT of people do this these days. In the words of Nicole:

Start making the work that fulfills you as self initiated sideline to your paid work. As your clients discover your passionate practice you are more likely to be commissioned to do that type of work. So you get paid to do the work you love.

You probably have a friend or maybe it’s you who has a paid job and hustles on the side. You know the kind — always busy, tired (unless you meditate), and yet, they have something going for them. They have a spark.


The spark is the hope that the side hustle will grow into a full time gig.

In fact, one of my favorite online personalities — Marie Forleo — says that hustling on the side has three main benefits:

  • It gives you structure, and you actually become more productive when you have several things to juggle, not less.
  • It gives you ample opportunity to meet people “in the real world”.
  • It gives you enough money to invest in your new business.

So you can consult on the side, you can write on the side, and so on, but whatever you do, don’t say “one day” when you talk about your passion. I have noticed that “one day” is the excuse we attach to what should be deadlines and projects we are working day in and day out on.

One day beats the purpose of “start today”.

What about you? Does your work feed and fulfill you? Most importantly, what are you doing today to get there tomorrow?

P.S. Thanks to everyone who answered! And YOU, join our discussions. :)

