How has COVID19 affected the way Indonesians live?

Somia CX Thoughts
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2020

As citizens of the world and as design innovators and researchers, we, at Somia, got curious about how the virus came like a storm and affected the way Indonesians live and breath.

There is a plethora of information out there: some hoaxes, some truths, but really, who is fact-checking them before sharing further? To be safe than sorry, we are observing some new behaviours and mindsets, whether with intentions or subconsciously, being adopted in a very short time.

Given our skillset and knowledge, we started exploring putting together a report quickly to give you a glimpse of what’s happening in different parts of Indonesia. Having said this, we questioned ourselves why we are doing this, what would this report serve to do for our community. It’s not at a position to answer any questions, neither is it to solve any problems at this point. It is to pique your interest and hopefully, evoke some empathy on what others are going through and experiencing, around Indonesia. We may not necessarily know the-why yet but see this as a preliminary research piece.

The report is broken into five main sections: Personal Hygiene, Food/Supplements, Physical Activities, Cultural/Religious Beliefs and Social/Environmental. We are hoping that this research will be a start for us to present more in-depth insights that will open up conversations amongst your community, to inspire good work or perhaps just to gain more awareness.

The report is broken into five main sections: Personal Hygiene, Food/Supplements, Physical Activities, Cultural/Religious Beliefs and Social/Environmental

The report has been uploaded to Slideshare or can be viewed below, and if you want to download the PDF report, click here.

If you are interested to collaborate with us or have something interesting to share about how you or someone you know are dealing with the situation in a special way, feel free to write to us! We’d love to hear from you.

