Reflection of 2016 and Welcoming 2017

Somia CX
Somia CX Thoughts
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2016

Just like other years, 2016 for sure has not been a smooth sailing one for us. But we surely learn a lot, and reflecting on these, we are grateful for everything that have happened and that have made us better and wiser.

Thank you for our clients, partners, collaborators, and friends for the great collaboration, support, and friendship. We’ve been super lucky to have been working with awesome people with great personalities. Speaking of Law of Attraction!

Looking back, here are the highlights of Somia Journey in 2016.

New areas of challenges

We were lucky to be able to explore new areas of experience design this year. On top of digital services such as sales tools for insurance, banking solutions, knowledge solutions for small business, note taking apps, and maps, we had worked on product experience for kitchen appliances, new tea label experience, and financial services for women.

Interestingly, this year we had great opportunities exploring the areas of service design through projects with women and children hospital, truck and bus show room and service centre, and waterpark.

In the area of public and social sector, we worked on creating concept for investment coupled with social initiatives to reserve forests, understanding children education through play-based learning, worked closely with local parliament to help improve information gathering for policy making, and a space experience project for traditional market.

In addition to the HCD 101 UX Fundamental class, we crafted new course under Somia Academy on Synthesis Deep Dive, as part of our Master Skill series. It is not an easy topic to tackle, but having run two batches in 2016, we learnt that it is indeed a much needed yet lacked skill. Bravo team!

Settling in and Globe-trotting

Early this year, we settled in our new studio in Bali, and set our foot in Singapore. And at the end of the year, we are moving to new studio in Jakarta (finally with proper UX lab!). We’ll have an open house when it’s all ready for you to come and visit us!

On top of that, throughout the year, our team have been going out and about to work on projects in Singapore, Yangon Myanmar, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Shenzhen China, and Stockholm Sweden. Within Indonesia, we’ve travelled for field to Atambua East Nusa Tenggara, Parepare South Sulawesi, and Bali.

Learning and Contributing to Communities

We had an awesome experience attending UX Hong Kong, contributed to UXSG Lightening Talk with a joint-presentation with our client on our past work Experience Transformation for Kaskus, and presented in Service Design Hong Kong on Applying Service Design to Domestic Help Industry.

Curious about the development of UX in Indonesia, we launched a survey and published the report for The State of UX Profession in Indonesia. Our team also brought our very own CX Cookbook and collaborated to create a toolkit for Open Data Innovation during the Open Data Innovation Week in Jakarta. We also took part in a co-creation workshop to tackle on haze problems. And as previous years, we’ve been actively supporting UXID meetups, with one highlight event of Design Disruptor movie screening in Indonesia.

Welcoming 2017!

As with other years, we are never sure what will come in the coming year. We look forward to doing more great and meaningful work and creating positive impacts. We aim to grow stronger in digital and product experience, service design, and space experiences — and lookout for collaborations with awesome people. We are super keen to explore more on financial services, healthcare, education, and public services. In overall, we are ready to welcome the new year with open mind, strong will, and big smiles.

Stay hungry, stay foolish — Steve Jobs

with love,
Somia Customer Experience Family

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Somia CX
Somia CX Thoughts

We help companies uncover deep insights and translate them into impactful, innovative product and service experiences.