Data Over Sound
Connectivity Software — Device to Device Communication

Or Livne
Sonarax Technologies
3 min readNov 12, 2019

Sonarax Technologies has developed a breakthrough, revolutionary ultrasonic connectivity software protocol for the transmission of data over sound waves that can very easily integrate with other software applications through an SDK for multiple solutions. There are three extraordinary elements to this innovation;

Firstly, recognizing and exploiting the most prolific existing hardware: speakers and microphones which already exist in numerous devices (ie: TVs, mobile phones, screens, ATM, cars etc.) and thusly making Sonarax’s install base hardware the largest in the world. Secondly, conceiving a method to control the fact that soundwaves as a transmission medium is unique in its natural ability to be confined within a defined space and therefore able to verify presence. And finally, designing the world’s first and only indoor navigation method using sound waves ability to verify presence with precision while in motion.

While all radio frequency communication protocols (RF) are based on dedicated hardware which also requires calibration, Sonarax’s protocol operates on any commoditized standard speaker and microphone that is in every mobile phone in the world to transfer and receive data from any device fitted with a speaker or microphone. Data Over Sound (DOS) allows machines that normally do not communicate to interact digitally; mobile to refrigerator, mobile to ATM, mobile to TV, vending machine, car, cashier’s machine, the list is nearly endless. Our communication protocol opens new opportunities for an unlimited number of industries and applications, as it does not require the installation of any special hardware.

Finally, the last difference between existing BL, WIFI, NFC and all other wireless connectivity protocols that are based on radio waves frequencies, is the singular ability of ultrasonic waves to verify presence and therefore offer the most secure 2-factor authentication With our technology, user authentication for any secured transaction data travels at the speed of sounds and that instantly expire upon being ‘heard’, or received, by the target device.

Most importantly, our technology is not reliant on network availability, such as Wi-Fi. Although other companies work on data-over-sound protocols, Sonarax is a superior technology in all core parameters: Sonarax provides the fastest data transfer bps ratio over the longest distance and through the most reliable procedure. Sonarax developed technology has the highest market performance: Only flexible SDK for distances from 20-cm to 35m M2M, and up to hundreds of meters broadcast mode connections.

By mastering the sonic signal-processing domain, Sonarax’s innovation can redefine and revolutionize the way devices communicate out-of-band, pair and authenticate.

Sonarax technology is already currently empowering person-to-system authentication (payments, banking, secure login), device to environment connectivity (out of band, OOB, pairing; direction & distance filtering), or Sonic Cue (Audio QR) solution, which provides the ability to embed and decode alphanumeric information sound. Sonarax ultimate vision is to become the de Facto standard for machine-to-machine (M2M) out of band (OOB) connectivity by providing the first holistic solution for location-based services (LBS), security and communication.

Moreover, Sonarax ground-breaking ability to identify distances, location and velocity positions the company as the ultimate technology to enable indoor navigation and provide the above Location-Based Services while in motion.

