Sonarax SDK Update: More Functionality, Smaller Footprint

Or Livne
Sonarax Technologies
4 min readJul 7, 2020

Sonarax has just released the newest version of our SDK. Included in this update is a reduction of the footprint needed to run the SDK, the introduction of native volume control, the establishment of dynamic functionality for the tones in use, and the addition of support for the simultaneous use of up to 16 different tones.

What this update means in terms of both the operational changes and added functionality for the SDK is truly game-changing.

Smaller Footprint

The RAM requirement of the SDK has been reduced to 88kb, and the processing power of the CPU is now only 100Mhz. This advancement is remarkable for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, the technical specifications for the hardware needed to run the SDK has been significantly reduced. It can now run on devices and terminals with older hardware and lower technical specifications, in most cases eliminating the need for new hardware.

The other way this benefits SDK users, is in a reduction of cost to retrofit contactless functionality to devices and terminals already deployed. Not only has this innovation drastically reduced the cost of retrofitting hardware below what it previously was, but continues to increase the margin of savings when compared to Bluetooth and NFC chips.

Finally, this savings also opens the door for the use of ultrasonic connectivity and communication to replace Bluetooth and NFC connectivity as a more cost-effective protocol within interactive toys, games, and consumer electronics.

Native Volume Control

With native volume control, the SDK has achieved much more flexibility to create dynamic accuracy for all ultrasonic functionality.

As an example, when using the SDK to perform accurate real-time contact tracing, companies and governments can now use the SDK to dynamically adjust the specific alert radius for their users. With the new addition of native volume control functionality, Sonarax Technology’s ultrasonic protocol, accessed through the SDK, can be far more accurate, outperform all other protocols, and enable companies, businesses, and governments to define their own precise alert radius based on their individual needs.

Another example of how this advancement improves functionality is interacting with a transaction terminal. Whether users are processing a payment or using an ATM, they would want the volume to be as low as possible to enable both effective connectivity, as well as provide the additional security of communicating in a very small radius.

These are just two examples of how native volume control empowers all SDK users to customize the use of Sonarax’s ultrasonic connectivity and communication protocol for any use.

Dynamic Ranges

Different internet browsers, web-based applications, and mobile applications limit the audio range that can be used. Previously, the SDK did not have the ability to dynamically adapt to the user’s specific hardware/software combination. As a result, SDK users were unable to create dynamic logic to differentiate between when the device needed to use either sonic or ultrasonic tones.

The SDK will now enable intelligent and dynamic use of tones based on any number of variables that enable the protocol to function in the most efficient manner. When the two devices begin communicating, the SDK will now request the variable data from the connecting device, and will dynamically decide the most effective audio ranges (both within the sonic or ultrasonic range) for communication.

16 Simultaneous Tones

With the incredible demand for reliable and accurate contact tracing tools for companies, governments, and communities, it became evident that we needed to advance the technology for applications that function in a similar manner as SONAR-X.

The additional tone capabilities for the SDK enables the use of over 600 million unique tone combinations, each one of which can be used as a unique identifier for any number of purposes, one of which is effective contact tracing.

What this means is that if 600 million people (roughly 7.5% of the total global population) were all in a room together, and within the group, there were 100 people infected with COVID-19, SONAR-X can now conclusively identify each individual healthy user who interacted with an infected user.

Bottom Line

Sonarax is on a mission to make ultrasonic technology the new standard in connectivity and communication. To achieve this mission, we continue to advance ultrasonic technology by adding functionality to our SDK, improving its performance, and increasing the number and types of devices where it could be deployed.

To learn more about Data-Over-Sound and our new stated for touchless communication and connectivity —

