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After Reading This My Life Took a Complete 180-Degree Turn

This passage which was written in the 5th century B.C. did something to me.

Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2024


There I was, in a large hall, surrounded by hundreds of people. Parents, children, spouses, everyone was there, and they were all waiting for this moment.

Everyone stand up to swear by The Hippocratic Oath, was heard from the speakers.

I grabbed the piece of paper that was handed to me before being sitted, put my right hand exactly where my heart was, and started reciting The Hippocratic Oath out loud.

I’ve read this in the past but I never really thought much of it. However, this time was different. This time I felt a duty to read it and truly understand its meaning.

For those who don’t understand what I’m talking about, let me explain.

The Hippocratic Oath is a highly esteemed ethical code of conduct for physicians that has been in practice for centuries. It‘s traditionally attributed to the Greek physician Hippocrates, who is often referred to as the “father of medicine”, and it outlines the ethical principles and guidelines that physicians must follow in their practice of medicine. It provides a clear set of values and standards for medical professionals to uphold and is widely recognized as…

