Don’t look back, you’re not going that way
Learn from your past, but don’t let it define your journey forward
Let’s not beat around the bush, and get straight to the point.
There’s something crazy about having two options and it’s not that you feel confused. It’s that the second option is always the one you truly want.
Why? Because if you really wanted the first one, there wouldn’t be another.
Let me explain what I mean with a small story.
Friends are your most powerful tool
Recently, I’ve been lost in my own world and the choices I’ve made in my life.
Like many people who are walking the path of life, I have no idea if I’m doing the right thing. Is the road I’ve chosen the right one, is it not? Will I be lost in the path I’ve chosen, and I will ever live to my true Self?
All of these questions started popping into my head recently after I had a conversation with my friend Aure's Notes.
As we were catching up on our life, discussing our next big steps in life he asked me a very powerful question.
Are you happy?