Some personal news

Happy 2019!

Niki Agrawal
1 min readJan 11, 2019


It’s been a while since I’ve written, mostly because I have been busy setting up 2019 for my professional goals, but also because my last post was on an immensely transformative experience that unintentionally created writer’s block for later events.

Anyway, here I am again with a brief post on some personal news…

After a year and a half in Germany, I will be moving to London for my next gig!

(More on that later.)

In the meantime, I am blessed to embrace the luxuries of unemployment, and I have decided to volunteer for a month in Rwanda with an organization called All Across Africa. I also hope that on some weekends I will trek and safari, a deep desire of mine ever since I majored in Biology in college and ever since Taylor Swift dropped her Wildest Dreams music vid.

It’s an exciting period of growth, with still quite a bit of conflict and change, as my existing Indian-American ideologies crash into new frameworks in Europe, and will likely collide with the lifestyles of Africa.

I am not yet sure what form this blog will take, but that seems to be a pretty accurate metaphor for my whole life right now.

I hope you will join me on this journey, because if there is anything that I am convinced of, it is that nothing opens the mind more than conversation. Ironically, more questions is the answer to whatever it is I search for.

Auf wiedersehen,




Niki Agrawal

I look Indian, sound American, lived in Europe. "Travel far enough, you meet yourself." More on Insta @goodbad_ux. MBA @wharton, ex-PM @bumble @hellofresh