Smoke From A Kitchen Fire

A song parody of Smoke From A Distant Fire by Sanford & Townsend

Mark Starlin
Song Done Wrong
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2020


Play the video at the end of the story and sing along!

You met me here, our entree, you sacrificed
You thought a hug might somehow set things right
I know what you’re doing, too, I knew when I came home tonight
‘Cause my eyes were amist from the smoke of a kitchen fire

Lord, my eyes stung “Shoulda seen it burn a while ago”
Then I realized, you forgot about the dinner rolls
If things were insane, then explain why the kitchen’s so cold
And that soot in your eyes looks like stains gotten by a charcoal

Stop frying, and trying, your cooking is taxing health care
I might throw up, or blow up, so slow up, I need a chair
(Open the screen the door, will you,) air this place out
Don’t you frown when your creampuff falls onto the ground

[Guitar and sax solos]

I’d just like to know, were you cooking or just drinking wine?
By cooking with gas, did you unknowingly cross the line

