Song Parody

Uptown Squirrel

A song parody of Uptown Girl by Billy Joel

Mark Starlin
Song Done Wrong
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2019


Play the video at the end of the song and sing along!

Oh oh oh oh (oh oh oh oh)
Oh oh oh oh (oh oh oh oh)

Uptown squirrel
She’s been living in her upscale world
I bet she never ate a dry walleye
I bet she’s never eaten rotten pie

So dignified, like an uptown squirrel
She’s been eating in her wheat bread world
And never rooted through an old trash can
But now she’s looking for some downtown spam
Scrape off the jam

And when she tastes it, she knows it’s a crime-ime-ime
And when she upchucks
She stares at the slime-ime-ime

Her stomach’s not so tough
Strong enough
I had lunch with an uptown squirrel
She’s probably never seen Waterworld

She’s getting tired of her high-end crumbs
And thus her presence in the downtown slums
She’s not a bum

