Song Parody

Yesterday B.C.(Before Covid)

A song parody of “Yesterday” by The Beatles

Cindy Shore Smith
Song Done Wrong
Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2021


Look at that crowd and not a mask in sight! (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

I could travel oh so far away
Hop a flight to Rome or Paraguay
Oh how I miss you, yesterday

I can’t hang out with the bourgeoisie
Crowd with strangers in a jacuzzi
Viruses come suddenly

Why we cannot go
We all know, the droplets spray
Closeness now is wrong
And I long for yesterday

I’d see West Side Story on Broadway
Go out shopping for some lingerie
Oh please come back now, yesterday

Vaccine’s coming slow
Where is mine? What time, what day?
Solitare mahjong
How I long for yesterday

I could go out for a cheese souffle
Sample Pinot Gris and Cabernet
How I miss you yesterday
Mm, mm, mm, mm, yesterday

