A Letter To Read On Days When You Don’t Feel Like Enough

Lark Morrigan
Song of the Lark
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2021


A open letter to you on days when you feel like you’ll never be enough.

I see you hurting. I see you grasping for answers — and anything to ease your mind as you navigate through a thick cloud of confusion, loss, brokenness, and everything else under the sun — only to be left with open-ended questions that you don’t feel good enough to address.

I see you spinning your wheels yet still feeling like the faster you spin, the more you keep falling behind, as if there were some invisible force pushing you back to where you started no matter how hard you push, no matter how much willpower you have mustered from within.

But you are forced to stop. You’re weary and your eyes are filled to the brim. You don’t want to wonder “what if,” but you are just so damn tired — of not amounting to something better, of not doing as much as you thought everyone else expected of you, of not being worthy enough whenever you’re met with resistance, rejection, and reproof.

You want to rest and you know you should, but a voice inside of you mockingly says, “You haven’t earned it. You still haven’t done enough.”

That is a lie that you once held as true. Too long and it has done you more damage than you realize.

