My Life Was Never As Simple As A Linear Equation

Lark Morrigan
Song of the Lark
Published in
5 min readJul 9, 2019


Source: Vladimir Tsokalo, via Unsplash (Unsplash License)

Throughout our lives, we’re given contradictory pieces of advice on not only how to live a good life but how to live “the best life.”

We’re told that we can be anything we want to be, yet we’re also steered towards endeavors that are safe and practical, regardless of whether we’re good at them or not.

Despite how many people advocate discovering yourself and not beating yourself up too much over things you’ve failed to do in the past, if you’re being honest, you probably still believe that finding out who you are must be a linear process — that perfectly straight line we’ve been conditioned to follow in order to be seen as an upright, responsible, and productive citizen.

Trying to live up to expectations of the previous generation is taxing enough.

Add in the Millennial Dream — jetsetting to five countries a year, looking flawless on Instagram, having the wittiest Twitter feed, managing several creative side projects, meal-prepping Instagrammable organic food, and on top of that, working a full-time day job that somehow ties in your passions — and it’s no wonder why we’re chronically stressed out.

Nobody is perfect, yet we’re still wired to seek perfection and to do it all like the people who seem to be at the top of the Millennial pyramid — you know, the ones…

