Do You have a “Tune Of My Life”?

Kalpesh Mange
Published in
5 min readMay 25, 2018

Have you had the chance to stumble upon a musical piece that drew you in, like love does?

Being a heavy consumer of music, I often wonder about songs that become “background music to my life” while I’m listening to them when doing things in life. Travelling, reading, walking or anything else for that matter.

Have you ever wondered about a specific song that could fit just perfect to everything you do? Everything!?

While coding, one fine day, I stumbled on Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Now, not exactly the same composition, but Max Richer’s version of Four Seasons. And mind you, never before in my life had I ever heard this piece, or even tried to listen to any music older than 50 years old.

Love at First Sight

Five minutes in, and I was already the birds chirping on the trees, the taste of spring in the wind and the sky as gentle as the breeze.

For the lack of words, I’ll call it celestial. Magical. Because that’s how it felt like.

My fingertips couldn’t stop. I kept coding. It was my flow. It became my flow. It led me ahead. It commanded and I followed. And followed. All 44 minutes of it. I followed with diligence and love.

The Feels

Even as when I’m writing, I can feel the violins and the sweet melody that this song is. I genuinely could not imagine myself swaying my head and closing my eyes and relishing the classical masterpiece.

But there I was, tapping away on the silly keyboard, keystrokes typing away code that will run the website I work on and form the basis of what music I shall also listen to, from now on.

And What I Tend To Do

I didn’t let this one go. Not a chance. I don’t get opportunities like these that often. It usually takes me a while before I even declare I like a song. But I had already called it “Tune Of My Life” just after listening to this once. I had to dissect this one. Get to know the why.

The Why

I have a love-love relationship with instrumentals. I love them for the fact that they give me the liberty to fill in the story I want to. The songs give me a framework to work around. A little playground, if you will, that I can slide and swing on.

The Analysis

Shortly after listening to it a few more times, I realised that this piece helped me remember the best time of my life and the worst time of my life. In the same 44 minutes! And no, I don’t take granted a piece of music that has the power to incite such emotions in me. God bless Max Richter and Antonio Vivaldi!

I’m not going to say, it helped me paint a timeline of my life out of thin air. No, it didn’t. My life has been a mixture of good and bad stuff. And well, this song helped me put a piece of music to everything that has happened in my life.

All the major milestones, all the moments that are vivid in my head, times that I cherish, and the times that I don’t. They all have now, what I’m calling, a background score, to them. It’s like I could replay those times in my head with Vivaldi’s music.

What can one ask more from Music? What more than a connection?

Isn’t that we all humans keep doing all the time? Connecting everything? Connecting with everyone? Connecting everything with everyone? Isn’t this all about finding that connection?

It was like all the important moments of my life got an acceptance, an acknowledgement, a nod that said: Oh yeah, you’re okay.

The Repeat Phase

No, I am not going to lie about this. I spent the next few weeks listening to this song. On Repeat. My favourite parts are Spring and Winter. The start and the end. I know, how cliché.

But it was worth it. It made me appreciate Beethoven’s Für Elise even more. And the Moonlight Sonata. And many more like these. It was like a new door opening into another realm that was filled with great music.

The Aftermath / The Investigation

I wanted to know what led me to Four Seasons. I back-tracked a bit. I was listening to Arrival’s soundtrack, specifically Heptapod B. Which led me to “Nature Of Daylight” from Arrival, by Max Richter. And then, finally in the suggestions of YouTube’s awesome recommendation box, Four Seasons — Recomposed by Max Richter.


Maybe I am overthinking this, or maybe not. But this kind of music reminds me why certain people stick around in my life. People that manage to touch every aspect of my existence, have left their mark there. They are a big part of my life now. Their presence does make a difference.

Even when I know I am complete, they are a ribbon bow on the gift.

It feels great to have a Tune Of My Life. Four Seasons has helped me go on strong in life. With some tasteful music. With some appreciation, some gratitude and a lot of love for anything and anyone that makes my life even if just a little bit better.

May all of us find our own Tune Of My Life. If you have one already, please consider sharing your experience with others. You might just be gifting someone something they shall cherish for a long long time.




Kalpesh Mange

Solving problems. Writer. Of Curriculum, Code & Poems. Wanderer of the mind. Write letters. Meditate and love life.