Is your Life turning into a “Carnival Of Rust”?

Kalpesh Mange
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2018

Can’t decide?

Do you breathe the name of your saviour in your hour of need?

This is how the song starts. We’re talking about
Carnival of Rust from Poets Of The Fall.
It is one of the most underrated bands ever. Ever.

FOREWORD: This is the most difficult song I’ve had to write about on songoftheweek here. Please bear with me. :)
There are multitudes of interpretations of this song. Here’s my take on it. I hope my articulation is appropriate.

Do you breathe the name of your saviour in your hour of need?
And taste the blame if the flavor should remind you of greed?

Do you seek help from your inner conscience when you can’t find answers yourself ? And assume, that it would respond with all the answers? And maybe, when it doesn’t, or does it halfway, you’re disappointed? And then you’re all worked up and bathing in guilt of not being able to spit out answers?

Well, that’s just life.

In this song, we are asking the inner mind for help. We have currency and time to give to the inner mind.

But you see, the inner mind resides in a sort of a circus. A circus that has a lot of other things apart from the inner mind. There’s a lot of distractions too.

Of implication, insinuation and ill will, ’til you cannot lie still
In all this turmoil, before red cape and foil come closing in for a kill.

Until you’re able to meet the mind and talk a little to it, there’s this doubt in your head. And in this confusion, you’re waiting for this grand solution which is on the other side of this screen. And you’re trying real hard to break that wall.

Come feed the rain
Cause I’m thirsty for your love dancing underneath the skies of lust
Yeah, feed the rain
Cause without your love my life ain’t nothing but this carnival of rust

By letting yourself drown into more and more confusion, you’re letting your “rain” rust more of what has been left of your “iron-mind”.

It’s all a game, avoiding failure, when true colors will bleed
All in the name of misbehavior and the things we don’t need

Everything, everything we do in life, is motivated by the fact that we don’t want to fail in some aspect. That’s the real nature of things.

And all this to achieve what? Over-work for money we don’t need to buy things we don’t need to show off to people we don’t need in our lives ?

Why are we running around the circle, in search of absolute nothing, when we can dive within ourselves and find answers there ?

I lust for after no disaster can touch, touch us anymore.
And more than ever, I hope to never fall, where enough is not the same it was before.

We crave for the feeling of “safe” that we have “made it” after we are able to pass through a storm. We want to stick and cling to that feeling. We tend to get attached to that feeling.

Don’t walk away, don’t walk away, oh, when the world is burning.
Don’t walk away, don’t walk away, oh, when the heart is yearning.

The inner mind is asking us to stay on track to finding answers amidst the distractions. Amidst all this chaos in the world and when the heart is making a genuine plea to us.

You might better understand the context of the song by watching the video. I imagine it as an exploration of the inner world. Where we, as subjects, ask our mind to help us in times of problems. And even for this help, we are supposed to be careful of it. Pay attention to it. Pay our dues to it. Give it time. Thoughts and more.

When we see distractions around, we tend to ignore our problems, since they seem to provide us with pleasure and take ur minds off the pain. It relieves us. Tricks us into thinking that it worked better than the actual solution we were trying to figure out with our helping mind.

Our mind is warning us to be aware of those distractions and make a conscious choice to stay on track and get through the problems.

Don’t walk away from solving your life. Don’t walk away from helping yourself.

Don’t walk away, don’t walk away, oh, when the world is burning.
Don’t walk away, don’t walk away, oh, when the heart is yearning.

Please do watch the video if you want to understand this song better.

Here’s the audio, but I can’t stress enough how much you need to see the video.



Kalpesh Mange

Solving problems. Writer. Of Curriculum, Code & Poems. Wanderer of the mind. Write letters. Meditate and love life.