Bishop Bower and Her True Journey

Ryandi Pratama
Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2022

Bishop Bower was a beautiful and talented bird, with a voice as sweet as honey and feathers as bright as the sun. But despite her many gifts, she was plagued by a deep sense of regret.

It all started many years ago, when Bishop Bower was just a young hatchling trying to make a name for herself in the world. She was desperate for attention and recognition, and she was willing to do whatever it took to get it.

As she struggled to find her place in the world, Bishop Bower began to tell lies. At first, they were small and inconsequential, but as she became more and more desperate for attention, her lies grew bigger and bolder.

Despite the guilt that weighed on her heart, Bishop Bower couldn’t bring herself to stop. She hated herself for what she was doing, but she couldn’t help it. She needed help, but she denied it at every turn, convinced that she could fix things on her own.

As the years went on, Bishop Bower’s lies caught up with her. She lost the respect and trust of those around her, and she was left alone and isolated.

Now, as she sits in her empty nest, Bishop Bower is filled with a deep sense of regret. She wishes she could go back in time and make things right, but it’s too late. The damage has been done, and all she can do is try to atone for her mistakes and hope that one day, she can find forgiveness.

Bishop Bower sat on the bench in the park, tears streaming down her face as she thought about all the lies she had told in the past. She couldn’t believe how much she had hurt the people she cared about with her deceit. She hated herself for it, and couldn’t escape the deep sense of regret that weighed on her heart.

As she sat there feeling sorry for herself, a kind voice spoke up. “Is everything okay, dear?”

Bishop Bower looked up to see an elderly woman with a warm smile on her face. She was surrounded by a group of birds, all chirping and tweeting sympathetically.

“I-I don’t know,” Bishop Bower stuttered. “I’ve made such a mess of things. I’ve lied to the people I care about and I can’t escape the guilt.”

The elderly woman nodded sympathetically. “I know how you feel, dear. I’ve made my share of mistakes in the past as well. But the important thing is to learn from them and try to make things right. You can’t change the past, but you can choose to be honest and sincere from now on.”

Bishop Bower thought about the woman’s words and realized that she was right. She couldn’t change what she had done, but she could choose to be a better person going forward. She stood up, determination in her heart, and resolved to make things right with the people she had hurt.

As she walked away from the park, surrounded by a chirping chorus of supportive birds, Bishop Bower felt a sense of hope and renewal that she had never known before. She knew that it wouldn’t be easy, but she was ready to face the challenges ahead with honesty and integrity. And in the end, that was all that really mattered.

Bishop Bower’s journey to find redemption and heal from her deep sense of regret was long and difficult, but she never gave up. She sought out help from the other birds and bards, confiding in them about her past and the lies she had told.

At first, it was difficult for Bishop Bower to be vulnerable and open about her struggles, but as she began to receive love and support from those around her, she started to feel a sense of hope and healing. She began to see herself in a new light, and realized that she was worthy of love and forgiveness.

As Bishop Bower worked on herself and her relationships, she began to regain the trust of those around her. She became known as one of the most honest and trustworthy birds in The Kingdom, and even gained the trust of Solemn himself.

One day, Solemn approached Bishop Bower with a special task. He asked her to take care of the river bank, a sacred place in The Kingdom where all the bards and birds gathered to sing and celebrate life. Bishop Bower was honored to be given such an important responsibility, and she took great care in tending to the river bank.

As the years passed, Bishop Bower’s reputation as a trusted and dependable bird grew. She became a mentor and confidant to many of the younger bards and birds, and her deep sense of regret became a thing of the past. She was finally at peace with herself and her past, and was grateful for the second chance she had been given.



Ryandi Pratama

I write to explore my thoughts and dreams. Sometimes it is a fantasy story, poetry, movie idea, lyric, or a rant. Well, definitely a rant.