Starling Seer and The Riddled Sparrow

Ryandi Pratama
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2022

The Straling Seer sat atop the highest peak of the Kingdom, gazing out into the vast expanse of the realm below. He had been meditating for days, seeking enlightenment and understanding through the power of her third eye.

As she sat there, lost in thought, he was suddenly interrupted by a strange rustling in the bushes below. Thinking it was just a stray animal, he paid it no mind and continued her meditations.

But the rustling grew louder and more insistent, until finally, a small sparrow burst forth from the underbrush.

“Oh great Straling Seer,” the sparrow gasped, out of breath from running up the mountain. “I bring you a message from the bards of the kingdom. They say that a great evil has awoken, one that threatens to consume us all. They beg for your guidance and wisdom in defeating this darkness.”

The Straling Seer raised an eyebrow at the sparrow, intrigued. “And what, exactly, is this evil that you speak of?” she asked.

The sparrow hesitated, then whispered a single word: “Riddles.”

The Straling Seer gasped in shock. Riddles were the bane of his existence, always causing his great frustration and annoyance. But he knew that she couldn’t let his personal feelings get in the way of saving the kingdom.

He took a deep breath and stood up, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead. “Very well,” he said. “I shall go and confront this evil. But first, I have a riddle of my own for you, little sparrow. If you can solve it, I shall know that you are worthy of carrying my message.”

The sparrow nodded eagerly, ready for the challenge.

“What has a heart that doesn’t beat?” the Straling Seer asked.

The sparrow thought for a moment, then chirped out the answer: “An artichoke!”

The Straling Seer smiled, satisfied. “Well done,” he said. “Now, let us journey to the kingdom and defeat this evil together.”

And so, the Straling Seer and the sparrow set off on their adventure, ready to face whatever riddles lay in their path.



Ryandi Pratama

I write to explore my thoughts and dreams. Sometimes it is a fantasy story, poetry, movie idea, lyric, or a rant. Well, definitely a rant.