The End of Sound and The Beginning of Loud Anxieties

Ryandi Pratama
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2022

Earth loses its sound. Nothing is heard, nothing is spoken. A mysterious phenomenon puzzling even the best scientist and mystic. As every solution imaginable to solve the problem falls apart, new hope rises in a certain part of the world. Someone who hasn’t been heard for his whole life, has a power that potentially solves the global crisis. Yet nobody knows yet, even himself.

He has been deaf since his birth. He never listens to anything other than his beating heart. There is nothing in this world he is yearning for other than the ability to listen, like everyone else. He has tried everything, from the very best doctors with cutting edge medical treatments, to the most outlandish mystic with whimsical witcheries. None dares to claim their success of ‘curing’ him. So one day, when he claimed to be able to hear music that no one hears, everybody thought he was hallucinating. Yet as the music he hears keeps getting louder and louder he can’t help himself but to sing it out, just to convince people.

Time has changed. When the world is all silent, he is the only one who can hear all the sound. In fact, louder than he has used to hear. He can now hear not only his heartbeat, but others. He can hear the sound of every tiny little bit of sand rubbed to each other, of everyone’s mind, thoughts and feelings. Yet there is one sound that stands out from the rest, a distinct, tender sound of wind calling him. A calling from a magical place, a melodious realm. As he follows the sound, he arrives at a place born from the first sound of the big bang, a kingdom where every music is from, The Solemn Kingdom.

There he found a place like no other, no one has imagined before, a kingdom full of birds and bards of all shapes and sizes that he has never seen, but feels familiar with. As he explores the new strange fantastical world, he finds the real problem of the earth, the solution for its silences. He encounters puzzles and challenges, finds new friends, and they venture out to beat the source of the problem; The Anx, a population of shapeless creatures born from human anxieties. One song at a time.



Ryandi Pratama

I write to explore my thoughts and dreams. Sometimes it is a fantasy story, poetry, movie idea, lyric, or a rant. Well, definitely a rant.