The Humbling Wisdom of The Bulbul Bibliothèque

Ryandi Pratama
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2020

At the entrance to The Kingdom, there is a huge rustic establishment adored by many of its taming majestic humbleness. Every eyes can see the stream of knowledge flocking in and out the building. Every cracks and grooves radiates a wisdom from all over. Even from the outside you can hear lores, myths, and legends, humming from the inside.

As you come closer, you will be welcomed by a park of glowing stones and sparkling fountains governed by a statue at the centre of them all. A centuries-old chunk of carved bardwood.

A creature, standing proud like a conqueror, with a head shaped like a bulbul, bowed low, with her gaze even lower. You can see her eyes, sharp like an eagle and deep like an owl. You can see the wit is carved and the wisdom is contained within. Her wings are relaxed and welcoming. If you follow the constellation of her feathers, books, and papers, you can see a flock of words spelled out bright, Bulbul Bibliothèque.

Only after passing through such a spectacle you will then encounter a folding door at the end of the pathways, inviting you to witness the interior that will make you feel inferior. Humbled by the galactic formation of shelfs, stairs, and walls that make this ever-empty vault of knowledge worthy to be called the royal concert hall and library.

Here you must pass the last challenge before entering The Kingdom, just like any birds and bards that came before you. A challenge created by The All Wise and Mysterious, Bulbul Laureate.

Be prepared. As you might be here for days and ages. The Wise and Mysterious will not see you in person and let you pass through The Kingdom until you are deemed to be worthy. All you have to do is learning the story of The Kingdom then contribute a story of your own. You need to prove them in the form of two songs. You have to play the songs in the concert hall, with no witness but all the lost lyrics and melodies. Only when your performance are able to harmonise with all the existing collection stored in Bulbul Bibliothèque, Bulbul Laureate will come and hug you warm.

Your wandering soul which has been tempered with The Prosperity of Hope, The Joy of Love, The Timelessness of Friendship, The Reliability of Imagination, are now wrapped up in boundless sincerity.

As the hug become warmer and warmer, your eyes will see the truth within, and you will see sound, you will hear colour, you will be able to think of feelings, to feel of thoughts, you will be bestowed by the most powerful power of all, to be sincere, not because, but despite. You will be able to live your true self, regardless. You will become a Humble Bard and are welcomed in the Solemn Kingdom, being greeted by the birds and bards with al of their festivities at Solemn’s Plaza.



Ryandi Pratama

I write to explore my thoughts and dreams. Sometimes it is a fantasy story, poetry, movie idea, lyric, or a rant. Well, definitely a rant.