And, once more, and a sigh

A poem and a song

Li Shen J
Feb 26, 2022


We wandered despairing, wading

through bodies

to get to the other side.

Photo by Stijn Swinnen on Unsplash


once more, with a sigh

accompanying our dance, traipsing

over pieces of silver artillery shells, and ruptured homes.

Broken bricks, and

fragmented mortar littered ash-covered cities

to get to the other side.

Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

War —

still fought

with their tanks and their bombs, and their missiles

in the 21st century. This time,

using cyberwarfare

alongside financial sanctions — where do you

draw the line

defending human actions creating

human factions?

Photo by Jeff Kingma on Unsplash

War —

just tell it, once more, with a sigh.

Softly, please, not too loud, tell them

not to let them die.



Li Shen J

Emerging poet & writer finding her way in her world of words and feelings. Tweets @lishen_sim