Sexual Healing

It’s something that was good for me

kasey sparks


Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

When my oldest son was about 9 years old, he hopped off the school bus one day and said to me, “Mom, sometimes people don’t hurt me on the outside. They hurt me on the inside.” A very insightful and hard lesson to learn as a 4th grader. Sometimes our insides take a beating by the things people say and do.

Many years have passed since he made that observation, yet his words have always stuck with me. They summed up my marriage quite well. My former husband and I rarely fought and he was never physically abusive. In fact, he wasn’t much for touching me at all. If anything, my body was neglected. I suppose in this roundabout way, his lack of affection was a subtle form of “hurting me on the outside.”

And although my body ached for skin time, most of the hurts I experienced happened on the inside. Not feeling desired, cared for, and loved within my marriage caused internal damage. My self-worth took a beating. My self-confidence was low from the blows.

At the end of my marriage, I felt deeply wounded. My mind, body, and soul were in desperate need of healing.

Thankfully, healing came to me from two different people in two very different places. The first occurred on the comfy couch of my therapist's office. She rewired my head with her Yoda-like wisdom. Her…



kasey sparks

making mistakes · gathering lessons · sparking curiosity · wrangling words & fiddling with titles since 2017