Six Favourite Albums From 2021

The final post about 2021, I promise!

Reece Beckett
Published in
7 min readJan 1, 2022


Kanye West at the first listening party for his album, Donda. Image by Paras Griffin.

I think the general consensus for 2021 as a year was that it wasn’t great for many things, but music was one of those few good things. There was just so much incredible music from so many genres — huge projects, anticipated for years, finally released and living up to the hype, wonderful surprise projects from new artists, etc. I’d have to agree, seeing as I spent a while compiling this list, listening to so much great music in the process, and then struggling to actually bring this down to ten, cutting out some terrific albums like Dean Blunt’s great Black Metal 2, for example. But it’s easy to talk about the albums that didn’t make it — there are many good ones that could fill a list by themselves — let’s get to the actual top five… plus one. It isn’t ranked, as it was difficult enough just to choose my favourites, and as usual it does show my genre leanings towards hip-hop, but what is a favourites list without personality? Comment your favourites, if you like — I always enjoy finding new music.

1. Black Country, New Road — For the First Time.

If I remember correctly, For the First Time was the first album I ever properly reviewed, so it has a little additional sentimentality attached. I was also supposed to see Black Country, New Road in early…



Reece Beckett

Film/music critic and poet. New articles every Mon, Thurs & Sat. Poetry on Sundays! Contact: