Would You Go Along with Someone Like Me?

Talkin’ ‘bout our bones

kasey sparks


Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

In the course of getting to know a potential partner, there comes a point in time where I feel the need to reveal a bit about my past. Underneath the clothes I show to the world, I wear the Scarlett A from my affair.

So before the dating train gets too far down the tracks, I ask the question.

Do you have any deal-breakers?

I’d like to hear what these are for someone early on because once my heart gets wound around someone, it can become painfully hard to unwind it.

And I know affairs can be hot-button issues. If they themselves or someone they love has been hurt by one, it may be hard to be with someone like me. Someone who’s done what I've done.

So right now I’m getting to know this guy. It seems like there’s potential. We seem compatible in many ways. As we were talking on the phone last night, I decided it was time to ask him the question.

Any deal-breakers for you?

Our list seemed to be similar and I decided not to dive into my past just yet.

Then I got this text from him in the morning.

“I’ve been thinking about your deal-breaker question and am wondering if there’s something more you want to share with



kasey sparks

making mistakes · gathering lessons · sparking curiosity · wrangling words & fiddling with titles since 2017