
Sonika Malloth
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2016

The first time you saw him you knew it. You call it love-at-first-sight or destiny or fate, but you just knew it was right. You daily walked past him trying to get a tini-tiny glimpse, wondering how could god squeeze all the beauty of this humongous world into such tiny vessel! You try harder and harder everyday to make yourself strong and worthy of feeling his soft yet firm skin, worthy of hearing his laugh which you know at your heart that you will never be bored of and worthy of filling your life with his blinding spark. You eagerly wait for that one day of the week you take a walk together, when you get the closest to him. When he is in front of you, you get lost in his rhythm yet aware of his every beat and stare at him, tip-to-toe wishing someday he could be yours.

Finally you muster courage to blurt it out, to blurt it all out and when he says yes..yes it gets strange. He is yours now and forever. All that unreachable beauty is now at your doorstep, in your room, right beside you, everyday. You know he is the only one who can let you be yourself without judging you in anyway and he is here, right beside you to laugh and cry by your side. It is scary, very scary. Will I be able to handle this god’s perfect creation? Will I be able to treat him the way I always wanted to treat him and which he deserves? A sense of responsibility runs down your veins. I will never fail him. Even though I know I will never be able to match up to him, everyday I will grow a little stronger and a little better. A ray of hope trickles down your eyes. He will let me free and bring me back to life. And a smile rises to assure you that it is finally happening.

That is how I felt when I bought my first very own drum set.



Sonika Malloth

Web full stack developer — freelancer / Trinity Grade 8drummer / amateur poetess. www.sonikblasts.com own publication at @Sonikblasts