Soniq Bi-Weekly Update

Nikola Tomic
Soniq Blog
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2018

Ahoy there ladies and gentlemen! Remember when we decided to do weekly updates and stuff? Yeah, we’re going bi-weekly. I know you can’t get enough of my writing, but I don’t want you to get bored by my mediocre, overrated phrasing. So yeah, we’re now doing updates bi-weekly. Yes, we are a tease. Tough luck.

So, anyway, I’ve managed to round the guys up at the office and to beg them into submission, so that they’d share what they’ve been up to in the past two weeks. I think it’s safe to say that they’ve been pretty productive, and that’s an understatement.


Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

Bet y’all have been missing our talented troupe of tinkering developers! I didn’t, they’re like over there right now. Anyway, they’ve been up to no good and here’s what they’ve got to show for it this fortnight!

  • Staging environment is up and running! From now on, our updates will be much better tested and validated.
  • We’re working on a big update for our algorithm for communication with the FUNK client. The biggest pending improvement will be automatic recovery from FUNK client failure. We want to be extra safe, just for you guys!
  • We’ve made some UI improvements, for overall better user experience. We want you to feel as comfy as possible on our website, as well as on our Swap Platform.
  • We’re working on adding the Google Translate plugin! When we’re done (soon), you’ll be able to read the clumsy translations from Google in your own language! Expect it to show up right in the top right corner on our website.
  • We’ve improved our maintenance mode because we care about you and want your confidence. Now you can see when we’re working on something, so you don’t have to worry.
  • We are working on improving our automatic emails.
  • We’ve done some research about our new Ethereum certifications. You’ll be able to see these in action over the course of the following weeks.


Not at all deliberately clean and organized

Marketing-wise, I think that it’s safe to say that we have outdone ourselves. We’ve stretched our lengthy hands around the interwebz and managed to poke the lot of yous, see! We’ve spread our reach on Facebook and managed to boost our Twitter following organically, au naturel! We’ve also put our Instagram gears (instagears?) into motion and scooped a hefty base of followers. Here’s what our marketing team was up to in-detail.

  • Spreading the word:

Shared our mission and vision article with the world via social media, so far with awesome feedback. But you should already know this, it’s all in our Medium blog article here. Still not following us here? I take that as a personal insult!

  • Instagram:

Our Instagram campaign has also taken off and we’ve slowly started adding content to our account in order to bring you guys closer to our office… and to our hearts. At the moment of writing this there is only a single photo posted, featuring a wise manager and a handsome, tall, long-haired dude (yours truly). We’ve also created an office competition for the best Instagram content creators and boy, did it get us snapping. We are considering extending this to our community in the near future, so keep an eye out!

  • Research, research, research:

We’ve been testing out different approaches to marketing and trying to get as much feedback from the community as possible. We’re sorry if we’re boring (we really aren’t), but this is something we’ll keep doing extensively in the coming period, in order to create a product that you, as our community, will fall in love with. Of course, every interaction, suggestion and feedback is much appreciated.

  • Keeping our Twitter, well, tweeting… is it “twitting”? No, I think it’s “tweeting”:
Pretty awesome for organic growth!

After investing a ton of time and effort, our Twitter has finally taken full swing. At the time of writing this, we’ve gotten over 1k followers that we update with our regular posts. This is a great starting point for anybody trying to get into our community, without all the… you know, commitment… yuck…

  • Campaign optimization:

Using different metrics we’re trying to find the optimal communication channel to reach as many people as possible. So far, social networks have had great results, some worse than others (looking at you, Facebook). However, all of them have felt great organic growth in the last month, especially Twitter (who’s a good boy!)

  • Updating our Bitcointalk post:

Okay, so we know that the lot from BCT needs ‘special’ attention, so we’ve basically condensed and rewritten all the updates on Medium, squeezing all of them into a single post. You’ll be able to find this post on our official thread very soon. We call this plan: “No Soniq fan left behind”.


As per usual, I’ve been typing away in this post, yammering about stuff here and there, managing to squeeze in an occasional funny remark. Numbers, however, are definitely more reliable than me and you should always trust numbers instead of me. But trust me too, I’m a cool guy. Really. I am.

  • Facebook: 1,700+ likers (?), 150+ likes over the course of the previous week
  • Twitter: 1,100+ followers, completely organic growth!
  • Instagram: 120+ followers in a mere couple of days.

I see that you’ve been busy following our project on all popular social media channels. I want to thank you personally. Take a sip of my gratitude. Savor it… saaavor it… Ready to swallow?

Now go and talk about Soniq with your high school teacher. Yes, your high school teacher. Send our website to your grandmother on Facebook. Don’t worry, she’ll open it, old people are immune to spam. See that hot chick in the club? Start talking to her about blockchain and Soniq. She’s gonna love it. Don’t trust common sense, don’t trust your instincts, trust me. Fly my little birdies!

P.S. Not even sorry for being weird and creepy, this is my thing now.

