Soniq Swap Report — All the Swap Statistics that You Need

Nikola Tomic
Soniq Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2018

As you probably know, the FUNK to SONIQ swap is complete. If you don’t know, you missed an awesome opportunity, because now you’ll have to wait until our awesome token is listed on exchanges to get it. Sorry, but we did extend the period for a full extra week. You had your chance…

Anyway, with the swap process complete, we are happy to report that there were no major issues. We even left a particular time window for some of your transactions potentially running late and in order to test all edge cases. And good thing we did this, to be honest, because some of you really did have transactions that were running late, meaning that some of you wouldn’t get to swap if we didn’t extend the swap process just a bit. Additionally, some of you were experiencing technical difficulties, so our support team had to approve these belated transactions manually. Yes, we are that committed to our customers and we are not ashamed to brag about it!

Swap Statistics

I asked our tech team to round up some cool, useful information regarding our swap, and, as a matter of fact, I found this info interesting too! Without further ado, here are some awesome statistics:

  • The swap process took place starting June 1st and ending with August 7th
  • There was a total of 833 transactions involved in the swap process
  • 570 users have registered to our platform, but bear in mind that there are those of you who didn’t swap. Creeps. Ugh.
  • 302 users have swapped FUNK for SONIQ
  • The amount of swapped FUNK was 37,842,016,434.3118
  • The final conversion rate was 37,842,016,434.3118 / 45,000,000 = 840.9336985333333

Additionally, here are some charts that you might find useful. Yaaay, pictures!

Swap rate chart:

Swap rate chart

FUNK price flow

FUNK price flow

Wealth distribution

Wealth distribution

Top 11 addresses

Top 11 addresses

Well, that’s about it regarding the swap statistics. The SONIQ distribution is officially done too and we’ll be announcing an awesome app idea where you’ll be able to spend/invest your freshly minted tokens very, very soon!

