Soniq Weekly Update

Nikola Tomic
Soniq Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2018

I want you to try reading this in a full-blown posh English accent. Just trust me.

Hello, and welcome to the grand opening of our second update! Obviously, we weren’t messing around when we claimed full transparency, I think that much is pretty clear.

Anyway, we’d been pondering as to whether we were going to update you lot on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for a while, and I decided, to hell with it, I love writing, let’s do it every day! Sadly, I was scolded by my peers, who politely told me that “are you clinically insane, you glorified spellchecker”, and that “we aren’t doing daily updates, what the devil is wrong with you, you man-child?”

And so, I settled that we should update you regarding our project on no less and no more than a weekly basis. To be exact, on Tuesdays, because studies have found that Tuesday is the most dial tone of a workday— you’ve already come to terms that the work week has begun, and you’re far enough away from the weekend to say “well, might as well read something online while I’m bored at the office”.

But enough of my jibber jab! Let’s get to the fun stuff (they made me type this).


Photo by Daniel van den Berg on Unsplash

So, our development team of rockstars was busy this week, too (you can stop with that echoing Brittish-accented voice in your head… if you can). So, their busy little fingers that shudder at the sight of a computer mouse have been typing and typing away about hugely important stuff that I know little or nothing about. Here’s what our keen production team has been working on for the past week or so:

·Preventing DDOS attacks and increasing overall security
·Adding more data validation upon insert and thus making the application more robust (see how they used “thus” here. Cute.)
·Fixing various edge-cases with our algorithm working with FUNK client
·Setting up the staging environment
·Fixing our deployment procedures and processes
·Making our website GDPR compliant
·Minor UI imporevements

Yeah, well, there, important stuff. Had enough? Good.


Our marketing team remains dissatisfied with the spotlight still being exclusively directed at the developers to this very day. Maybe next time I’ll write about them first.
In any case, our team of talented marketers did a wonderful job this week. Here’s what they’ve been up to:

· We shared our explainer video on social networks with some success. Research has shown that videos are the best way of bringing a product closer to your audience in an online campaign. I wonder why. What is it, reading’s too hard for you? Well, if it is, you probably aren’t reading this anyway. Depressing…
We also managed to start an ad campaign with our video (using the ‘boost post’ option), despite encoutering issues on account of Facebook being crypto intolerant. Phew, dodged a bullet there…

· We started setting up a larger marketing campaign going through several channels.

· We created Soniq’s Instagram account that is, as of now, still empty (and lonely). On Instagram, we will feature semi-regular updates from our team so that our community can get a sense of the atmosphere in our offices on a normal work day.
Expect humor whenever I’m there. Which is a lot. So expect a lot of humor.
Once we get our hands on the greatly needed design, our Instagram marketing campaign is good to go! Expect this soon.

· Additionally, we’ve reached out to several media outlets that will hopefully help us publish Soniq-related articles, just so that I can bore you to death there, too! Exciting!
We are still waiting for answers regarding this, but we do hope that this will become a logical and simple channel of communication with the crypto community.

· Oh yeah, and we’ve been keeping busy brainstorming alternative marketing methods (crypto conferences anyone?)


My, my, have you grown. I remember when y’all were this small. Yeah, that small.
Well this is not enough. You need to grow more. We need more. Grow. More. Send invites to your family, friends and acquaintances. Talk about Soniq on your casual hangs. Talk about Soniq on weddings. On loud gigs where no one can actually hear you. Talk about it under-water. Talk about it to yourself while walking down the streets. Don’t talk about it on subway, those places are scary.
Spread the word.

Fly my birdies, fly!

P.S. Expect a partial update in a day or two

P.P.S. Sorry if this was creepy.

