Soniq’s Extravagant Bi-Weekly Update

Nikola Tomic
Soniq Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2018

Ugh… It’s been busy two weeks. Very. Very. Busy. A lot was discussed, even more has changed and I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll feel as if somebody slapped you with a wad of cash: “ouch, but hey, that’s cool, I want that.” This update is gonna be different. Sure, we’ll cover all the tragically boring deets regarding the developers (I had to lock myself in the office bathroom to write this, they’re onto me, I know it) and all the marketing blah, blah, blah, but there’s a huge thing brewing in my gut that’s ready to be spewed onto this screen (not literally, I love my laptop).


So, full transparency, yada, yada, we promised it, here ya go. Remember that Skills Exchange Platform thing? You know, our unique lovechild that was gonna make music great again (had to squeeze in a Trump reference somewhere, it was long overdue)? Of course you do, I jibber-jabbed a lot about it. Yeah, well, we scratched it. Yep, gone, dead.

To our huge displeasure, we learned that the idea, no matter how awesome it is, is pretty far-fetched and highly unlikely to become something popular and widely used.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Frightened? Discontent? Well, we aren’t. Not one bit. Because a brilliant idea struck us like the lightning does a lonely wooden house on the prairie, and like that lonely wooden house on the prairie, the idea is friggin LIT! Unfortunately for you, you’ll have to wait a couple of days until we release all the juicy deets. Fear not, however, because we’re pretty certain that the idea will be quite a bit of a, shall I say, Soniq Boom! Get it? See what I did there?

Development report

So, back to the boring stuff (still locked in the bathroom, help). Our superdevs have been, weren’t, buzzing their ways around those worn-out keyboards this time, but they were busy working with everyone else on the Soniq team to develop the new idea that you’re going to find about soon. Regardless, somehow, I managed to make them tell me what they were doing for the past two weeks and a couple of short, concise, murmured sentences were produced:

  • Working on UI improvements
  • Working on a token distribution script
  • Working on developing the new idea

Marketing report

And now, for our marketing team. I got to hang a lot with the peeps from marketing this week, and even had an after-hours beer with them at some point (although I was the one drinking and they were just creepily staring at me; I do not know what’s wrong with those weirdos). In fact, I even got a chance to be of actual use, by helping them around with some Instagram stuff! It was boring as hell and I never want to do it again! Yay! Anyway, here’s what the spammy dudes were all about this fortnight:

  • We’ve been working on validating our idea. In an effort to create a focus group we’ve been contacting people over Instagram to be a part of our survey. Don’t be surprised if you receive a message in your inbox!
  • Speaking of which, we made a new survey for music contest fans! Feel free to check it out and give your answers here. It means a lot when it comes to bringing you a product that is going to kick ass.
  • As a result, we’ve also infiltrated a few pop-music forums, trying to get a broader perspective of our music loving audience.
  • We’ve also reached out to several music contest fan groups on Facebook, asking for collaboration. So, if you and your friends have a secret Simon Cowell fan group, you know who to call. No, not Ghostbusters. Us.
  • Our Instagram account is filling up with content, and getting a larger following, as is our Twitter.
  • Working on developing the new idea.


You guys have been awfully quiet (and weird) on Discord. Why? Sad smiley face.

What the…

Anyway, our community activity has been quite something this month. The number of our Facebook followers (likers!?) has grown from tens to the thousands league (1775 is still thousands, shut up). Twitter and Instagram have also grown quite a bit and, there, I hyperlinked them for ya, check the numbers for yourself. Oh, and as you can see, we already have some pretty cool photos going on Instagram. You’ve also been clapping your way through this Medium page, but I encourage you to do more and share and like. No, I insist, share it. SHARE IT.

So there we go, the long awaited bi-weekly report from yours truly. I know you can’t wait for these reports. Don’t forget to wait (HA, don’t forget to wait! As if you had a choice) for the announcement we’ll be making in a couple of days. Stay tuned. I love you guys. I love you all. SHARE THIS. SHARE IT.

