White Paper TLDR

Nikola Tomic
Soniq Blog
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2018

For those of you who can’t be bothered with the full version of our white paper (I mean, it’s 12 freaking pages long, come on), we’ve decided to simplify things. Do you know what premastication is? Of course you don’t, I had to google it myself. It’s something often found in bird species, where the mama bird, well, chews the food until it’s capable of being consumed by the little birdies. Yep, that’s how dedicated we are towards you getting the gist of what we’re about. We’re willing (and weird) enough to chew up our entire white paper content, so that it’s easier for you, our little birdies, to consume it. Here goes.

Our roots — The evolution of the Cypherfunks

The general idea behind the Cypherfunks was crowdfunding a global band through a decentralized cryptocurrency.

Well, this project is somewhat of a crypto dinosaur, which is a polite way of saying that it’s an old fart in need of resurrection.

All you really need to know is that where the Cypherfunks was a band that celebrated music contribution (yay, we’re a global band!), Soniq emphasizes collaboration, fairness and skills exchange (yay, we’re a global band that gets paid!)

Here’s the gist of it from our actual white paper (it’s still there if you wanna read it, you know):

There’s going to be a ‘swap’ process on our swap platform, where 50,000,000 SONIQ will be created, 90% of which (45,000,000 SONIQ) will be distributed to those of you who decide to participate in our project.

Don’t worry, we won’t be taking the 10% for ourselves; these 5,000,000 SONIQ will be directed towards further development and marketing funding. That’s our idea of how NOT to be an ICO.

The global problem

So, we figured that your average musician is nowhere near happy with the work they get (if any). We also noticed that a bunch of music professionals are actually keen on looking for work on freelancing platforms, so we thought: “hey, is there a freelancing platform dedicated solely to music?” A Google search later, we realized that nope, for some reason, nobody came up with a music skills exchange platform as of yet. Hey, “Skills Exchange Platform”, that sounds neat! Flashforward a couple of months and here we are, doing our best to deliver an awesome product for your convenience as a music expert!

Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

Our solution — Building a talent exchange platform

Let’s keep it brief; unless you want to read our white paper, which is still there, you know, in case you’ve changed your mind… no? Okay, here: get on the Skills Exchange Platform and find whatever you need that relates to the music field: work, a producer, a DJ to play your venue, someone to record a solo for you, whatever comes to your mind. Imagine a typical freelancing platform and imagine one that deals solely with music-related stuff. This is the general idea regarding our first product.

Using the power of blockchain

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

The problem with the majority of freelancing platforms is unfair revenue distribution, as well as cons and fraud. Well, we couldn’t take care of this, so we asked blockchain to do it for us, instead. Cryptocurrencies and all other blockchain-based efforts are transparent and open by nature. As in, you can’t hack the blockchain. Moreover, the fees involved here are as low as they come, so there! No third-party intermediaries, no unnecessarily large fees. Just blockchain and a neat Ethereum-powered platform!

Not even gonna bother with the technicalities here, there’s a whole lot of those in our white paper.

What sets us apart

This is my favorite part; the part where I say that we’re not another freaking ICO, and we’re definitely not some crowdfunded project that raises millions and then fails to release literally anything for years.

No, we are completely self-funded, and we are doing this out of passion!

For some reason, the vast majority of projects haven’t dealt with revenue distribution, and this is where we have the good ol’ blockchain to vouch for us!

We are paying out of our own pockets, so we’re more than eager to deliver Soniq’s first product quickly, efficiently and effectively. We don’t have the burden, nor the benefit of someone else’s money at our disposal.

To quote our white paper (maybe now you’ll read it?): “We are not a crowdfunded project that ends up raising millions and not releasing anything for years. We are a fun, self-funded, self-confident, transparent project that cherishes its community. We will make mistakes. We will need your help. But what we offer is willingness to include you in our collaborative process. We aren’t stupid enough to ignore our community; after all, everything that we do, we do for you.”

Hopefully this was brief enough for ya, we don’t want to have to make a TLDR to this TLDR.

