Got computing power to sell? Try Sonm OS!

Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2018

Sonm OS is an operating system designed specifically to help suppliers of computing resources connect to the decentralized Sonm platform and start work as easily and quickly as possible. Until now, the user had to install and configure the Sonm software manually, following the instructions on the official website. This procedure assumes that users have the skills to work with OS Linux and the command line, which caused difficulties for some of them. Sonm OS allows you to deploy all the components necessary for the supplier’s worker PC in a few minutes with a minimum of user participation.


  • Easy to install. Run the same installation image on all the computers and connect them to the Sonm marketplace. The interaction of all components is configured automatically. You only need to enter your Ethereum address to start earning money.
  • Easy to use. The hardware configuration analysis and performance testing (benchmarking) will be performed automatically. Once this is done, your resources will automatically be sold on the Sonm marketplace at the most profitable price.
  • Status monitoring. Keep track of the load on your resources and accumulated income in real time on the Worker status dashboard.

What’s inside

Sonm OS is based on Ubuntu 18.04 Server edition, and at the same time includes:

  • its own repository;
  • its own installation scripts;
  • all the necessary packages for installation;
  • drivers for GPU NVidia and AMD.

Sonm OS automatically:

  • detects installed GPUs and installs the necessary drivers;
  • downloads, installs and configures the latest versions of the Sonm platform components for the supplier (Worker, Node, CLI, Optimus);
  • installs the latest version of Docker CE;
  • starts the Sonm platform components after loading/rebooting the PC;
  • analyzes resources and calculates benchmarks for the further rental of computing power at the best price.

How to install

Sonm OS is installed using a USB storage device. The process is highly automated and requires minimal user involvement. Here are the main steps, and you can start right now! For detailed instructions follow the link.

  1. Generate an Ethereum address on the Sonm Market if you do not have one. To start selling resources on Sonm, you need to have an Ethereum address (we call it the Master address), to which all income will be transferred.
  2. Download the installation image. We have prepared an HDD raw image for a USB flash drive.
  3. Create a bootable USB flash drive. You can use Etcher utility, for example.
  4. Specify your Master address. Specify the master address in the sonm.txt file located in the root of the prepared USB flash drive.
  5. Boot the PC from the USB flash drive and follow the steps of the installation wizard. It takes no more than a few minutes to complete the whole process

Please notice that the Sonm OS installation uses the entire disk space. You cannot use it in dual-boot mode — you will lose any data on your HDD/SDD drive if you do. So make a backup of all important data first.

After installation, your new configured worker will appear in the list on the Sonm Market. To launch it you just need to click on the Confirm button.

Done! After evaluating the composition of the devices (CPU, GPU, RAM, storage, network) and performance testing (calculating benchmarks), the Sonm platform will automatically begin to search for suitable orders for rental.

View your deals in the Sonm Market (Market -> Deals section). Keep track of the workload and income of the worker in the Worker status dashboard on Sonm OS!

For the customer of computing power

What we offer for potential customers:

  • First, use the ready-made auto installation script for the necessary Sonm components. After that, you can run applications on the Sonm platform to solve your computing tasks.
  • Secondly, undergo KYC verification. After completing the KYC procedure, you will be able to run any Linux applications in an isolated Docker environment on resources rented on Sonm. Users who have not yet undergone KYC verification can run the computational tasks included in the Sonm Whitelist.

Further development

Sonm OS is the simplest and most effective tool to help suppliers of resources start selling them on the Sonm marketplace.

As part of the further development of Sonm OS, our team is planning a USB flash drive loader, which will allow any computer to run Sonm OS in Live USB mode (without reinstalling the OS).

Coming next:

  • release of Sonm OS updates in line with the development of the Ubuntu base platform;
  • introduction of remote access and monitoring equipment (as part of the development of the Sonm Market);
  • introduction of a notification system for device malfunctions.

Follow us on social media and stay tuned:
Twitter: @sonmdevelopment
Facebook: QQ: 638465027

Tech support: @SONMbetatest


Originally published at on October 4, 2018.

