The 2018 Shitcoin List

And How I Got Rekt

Photo ‘n Crypto
3 min readJul 29, 2018


Part I

It was the end of 2017 and Crypto was taking over the world. The market capitalization of the entire crypto assets added to roughly $800 Billion USD. Crypto Twitter was jouyous, busting with joy. The talk of high end steak cuts, lambos, and the moon was a constant theme on everyone’s Twitter feed.

Beancash, Tron, EOS, just about any shitcoin was in full liftoff, heading towards the Moon and beyond. Coins and tokens that just a few months ago had appeared to be zombi projects were now the talk of the Crypto Town. Ridiculous amounts of money were made, $100 into $20,000? You got it! $200 BeanCash into $2,500 green ones? Easy peasy lemon squeeze.

The year turned and Bitcoin took a dive but alas, some altcoins continued to carry on with the madness. Many crypto nerds speculated the reasoning for this flip, and most believed the Bitcoin sell off was fueling the rally and will continue to do so.

Shitcoins are here to stay. You’ll never see Bitcoin below $10,000 again.

Then there were Four

So what is a few dudes with some spare cash burning a hole in their pockets to do? Engage in some of the most financially irresponsible (albeit fun) activities ever imagined: buy somea whole lot of shitcoins semi-randomly, semi-intelligently, semi-drunk.

A place to crash with internet, check. Chicken wings and chips, check. Beer and alcohol, check. Dreamz of Lamboz, check and check.

All four of us got together one night with the sole purpose of ending the night slightly intoxicated and having drafted a list of about 12 to 16 shitcoins we deemed acceptable to throw our money in. We divided our team into: Financials, Social Engagement and FOMO, Website development and Team, and Code (Wallet/Github availability).

The entire logic could be expressed as follows: Is this Shitcoin in major Exchanges? Does it have good trading volume? How many coins are circulating and what will be the total supply? Are they present in social media? Are people losing their shit around this project? Does it have a real Team and can we find them on LinkedIn or other semi-trusted website? Is Dennis Rodman on their team? Is the website half-assed or does it have solid info? Are they solving a real problem? Do they have a wallet? Is their code available on Github? Are they Chinese or Korean?

Beer was flowing, wings chewing, keyboards typing, and links were clicking. A few hours later we had a list.

The Sweet Sixteen

The purpose of this project was slightly ridiculous, dumb and fun: To purchase $100 worth of every shitcoin that came out part of the list. No way around it. If Pepe Cash was on it, $100 buck. Titcoin? $100 green ones.

The hodl timeframe was not set per see but the general notion was that these Shitcoins were to be held for at least one year or until they experienced another crazy af rally.

Behold, The 2018 Shitcoin List:

  1. Request Network REQ
  2. Nxt NXT
  3. Syscoin SYS
  4. DeepBrain Chain DBC
  5. Enjin Coin ENJ
  7. Streamr DATA coin DATA
  8. Ripio Credit RCN
  9. SimpleToken OST
  10. Etherparty FUEL
  11. Tierion TNT
  12. CoinDash CDT
  14. Viberate VIB
  15. Snovio SNOV
  16. Qwark QWARK

The list consisted of real good projects like Enjin, Streamer Data, Simple Token, Ripio Credit, Snovio, etc. It also included some weird ones like Tierion, YoYoW. But for the most part we were very happy with the list.

We high fived and everyone split.

The next morning, the morning of January 9th, 2018, I started moving Bitcoin to multiple exchanges, and started placing buy orders for each of the 2018 shitcoin list coin, $100 worth of each.

The excitement levels were over 9000.

