A Prelude

Linda Lee Fehoko
Sons Of A Warrior
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2015

The tale begins with a Fijian princess landing in America! Perhaps a place so vivid for a timid, cultural teen, who glanced with wonder at the enormous, long stretched limo that caught her eye. Even the huge airliners hovering over with rumbling engines, above her head was strange…. Yet, for just that moment in time, she felt this imaginative world called, “Wonderland.” A world only often existed in the movies and dreamed off in the past years. Hence, Princess Sigarara sets foot in this big world called AMERICA, only to find that within this gigantic city is another seemed to be little island …. What tended to be a culture shock at the mighty landing area, a few hours ago, is no longer intimidating….

Now as the journey continues enroute the long, winding drive to the North Shore, the Pacific Ocean’s crushing tide is stenching the smell of salt water that replicates the ocean of the motherland. Sigarara’s mind is slowly unwinding, but still slightly boggling, “In America, they even have an island with people running around in grass skirts too,” she thought to herself. And surely, within days, in this newly found world, a tiny polynesian village emerged. Sprouting from a grass hut, an intimidating, hulking brute-so massive, appeared. His arms — bulging with superhero masculinity. “Her prince,” she silently declares, and falls for the warrior. He was her “Hercules” …her hero that was the conqueror in the old, faded, salvaged comic books from the trash of the rich in Suva, Fiji. As this fearless warrior chanted warrior cries, the princess was even more attracted, dazed and drawn to his fierceness and atrocity. Deep beneath this WARRIOR spirit, she knew there was a heart much larger than life.

Thus, in not too long they became one. They bore the first child to be named after the high chief Sikaleti from Tonga. Their living quarters was tiny with dimesions likened to a storage container. It was adequate to just get around to sit, eat, and sleep. Even the American refrigerators on stand-by were empty, but the great, massive warrior named Vili was duly determined to raise his firstborn into this dream world of extreme opportunities. The road would never be easy from hereon, but Vili and his bride knew that it would be worth it. They had to make it out, off the rock..

There was no turning back, no returning to the motherland. Their strife and determination will go beyond unimaginable heights.. and this… This all originates now as they begin raising sons of a Warrior. Everything has made “sweet sense”. Although today is never promised, they understand and breathe praises to be alive in the promised land. Hereafter, it was easy to fathom that even if living meant having nothing, it was mentally having the will to survive. Surviving in what is truly evident about this NEW WORLD of theirs. To make it, their lives lived in SURVIVAL MODE everyday, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Looking far beyond the horizon and into the distance, the pact was made. No longer was this ever about two extraordinary polynesians exiting their motherland to find a dream. From here on out, it was about the life and spirits created in their likeness that was forthcoming…an angel and four sons…the — Sons Of A Warrior.

So, here is where the devout inspiration begins. The year is 1988….

(tune in tomorrow for the introduction to read this journey of a WARRIOR’s sons’…….. a story of daily inspiration, truth, dedication, committment and sacrifice..)

