Urbex-scape Ep. 3: Wagons and old school trains

Sabrina Vlasceanu
Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2018

In one of our previous trips, we managed to discover an old railway station, with abandoned train wagons and lots of awesome stuff. However, arriving quite late in this location, we couldn’t see much of what was inside, so we promised to come back another time. Usually, we pretty early risers in the weekend when it comes to urbex plans, so we can fit as many stuff as we can in one day. So here you have it, train exploration at its best.

The notes area above is the funniest thing I bumped into on this trip. Oh, that’s if I don’t count the funny situation of running like maniacs when we saw someone’s hand reaching out from an old shack at the entrance. After a while, our friends met us at the designated spot, walking like normal people, with huge grins on their faces asking “what happened”. We briefly explained our mini marathon and then we all laughed about it, as they explained the guard’s reaction upon their casual exit from the train depot. The guard asking our friends: “Did you scare off 3 girls? I was just standing here, minding my own business, eating a sandwich and suddenly I see 3 girls running towards me. As I choke a bit on my sandwich I try to stand up and get out of my shack to ask them what happened, but they ran past me like crazy and I couldn’t say a thing.” We were just being vigilant, as we thought we’re gonna get in trouble for being somewhere we weren’t supposed to be.

Anyway, my conclusion is that if you want a true urbex life, you need good physical condition, just in case. So keep up your fitness sessions! :)

