Testing with golden files in Go

Chris Reeves
SOON_ London
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2017

When writing unit tests, there comes a point when you need to check that the complex output of a function matches your expectations. This could be binary data (like an Image), JSON, HTML etc. Golden files are a way of ensuring your function output matches its .golden file. It’s a pattern used in the Go standard library, which we’re going to take a look at now.

We’ll start by writing a fairly contrived function that we want to test the output of, let’s use JSON for simplicity.


Our ToJSON function takes an io.Writer, encoding and writing some JSON to it. This is fairly standard stuff if you are writing RESTful JSON based HTTP APIs.

Now we want to test the output of our function, or more precisely, test it writes the JSON we expect. We could write a test case that writes the same JSON structure to a []byte and compare the two but that feels a bit crufty, especially if we had to do that for n number of endpoints that write JSON. This is when .golden files come in handy as we are able to read these files on a per test case basis and use them to compare our function outputs.

Let’s setup our directory structure:

- testdata/
- TestToJSON.golden
- main.go
- main_test.go

We have created a testdata directory, which is the convention in go for storing test fixtures, golden files etc. Within this we have created a file named TestToJSON.golden, the name of which matches that of our test case for clarity and automation. As it is not necessary to write the name of the file over and over, we can just use t.Name().

So, let’s write our test case function:


I won’t go into this at length but essentially we create a buffer to write the JSON, read our .golden file and compare the two []byte using bytes.Equal.

If we were to run this test, it would fail because our .golden file is empty and our b.Bytes() has some JSON.

We now have two options, we can edit our .golden file manually and insert the JSON we expect or we could do something slightly more interesting and have our test function update the .golden file when a command line flag is passed to Go test. We’ll go with the first option for now and use the command line flag on further iterations of the code.

To begin, lets get the test case passing by inserting the JSON we expect into the .golden file.


Our test case now passes 💥

Next, let’s add our CLI flag to optionally update the .golden file for us, with the updated test function below:

main_test.go with update golden file flag

Here we’ve added an update boolean CLI flag and, if this is true, we write our output JSON to the .golden file and carry on the test as normal. Obviously, with this flag the test will always pass™️, which should only be used in situations where you are confident that the output is going to be correct. Be sure to verify the data changes otherwise you could be testing against broken data that is in your .golden file. What is helpful about this is that changes to your .golden file show up in your git diff very clearly so it is easy to code review with your colleagues. In order to use it, you simply call go test as follows:

go test -v ./... -update

It’s also a good idea to run with the -v flag and add some sensible logging to your test cases so you have sight of what’s happening and check the output.

Bonus Round: Table Testing

Lastly, I wanted to touch upon table testing as another technique used in the go standard library, in which .golden files work very well. I’ve updated the test function to use table tests and updated the file directory structure to this:

- testdata
- TestToJSON
- ok.golden
- main.go
- main_test.go

Now our .golden file is in a subdirectory, since we will be using sub tests, as illustrated below in the updated test function:

main_test.go with table tests

To explain, all we’ve done here is move the bulk of the code into a t.Run, which runs our test cases as defined in our testtable. As a result, we now have an easy way to add more tests to our function and use .golden files for them all.

If you want to see this in action for yourself, take a look at the cmd/gofmt package, which uses the .golden files pattern here.

Happy Testing 💯



Chris Reeves
SOON_ London

Platform Engineer @wearebanked • Go/DevOps • Author http://github.com/krak3n/fido • Views my own • He/Him • We are all born naked & all the rest is Drag 🏳️‍🌈