Soon.Market Reimagined — Survey Summary

Marco Walz
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2023

In order to ensure that we move into the right direction with our “Soon.Market — Reimagined” product efforts, we recently hosted a survey to collect feedback from the XPR community. In total, 38 people completed the survey and we want to share the results and our key takeaways with you.

Before you start reading, we want to thank everybody for providing us valuable insights by participating in the survey! 💜

Key Takeaways

  • People are mainly interested in Art (76,3%) and Digital Collectibles (55,3%) of any creators they like. For us it was interesting to see that many do NOT favor famous creators or popular brands/events over regular creators.
  • Most people agree that creators and collectors/buyers are both equally important (81,6%).
  • Creators and their credibility are most the important aspect for making a buy decision (76,3%). Many people are also looking into the utility of NFTs (63,2%).
  • Most people claim that their buy/sell decisions are independent of the behavior of others (65,8%). Is that really true? ;-)
  • Majority of people agrees that an NFT marketplace should be open and hide blacklisted collections curated by the community (68,4%). We also still believe this is the right approach and we aim to provide a direct NFT Watch integration in our market to foster the existing collaboration.
  • For notification channels, most people demand in-market notifications when visiting the market (57,9%). Many people also want to have push-notifications on their device (44,7%) and notifications in their messaging apps like Telegram or Discord (39,5%). Only 18,4% want to receive E-Mail notifications. We will definitely provide advanced in-market notifications and we also plan to further improve Soony, our Telegram and Discord notification bot, in the future.
  • Majority of people wants to keep autoplay for video NFTs (44,7%).
  • While many people think that NFT Watch is important to scale reviews of collections (42,1%), a lot of people do not even know what NFT Watch actually is (26,3%). For us it is absolutely clear that we need to better educate the community and especially newcomers about this initiative in the future, a closer integration into the market will help.
  • NFT Watch shielding of collections is easy to understand for 42,1% of the people. Nevertheless, people seem to have controversal views on that. 15,8% think that it needs to be explained better, 10,5% say that it should only cover the basic check for trademark violations etc. and another 10,5% think that shielding isn’t needed at all. We also got one response of a user that thinks shielding right now is a “popularity contest”. We can understand all views and we think it needs to be simplified and better explained. We are in active discussion with NFT Watch Guards in order to improve the shielding process. At the end of the day, the shield should provide marketplace users confidence, that the NFT collection isn’t violating the Code of Conduct. This is what actually matters. The goal remains to further decentralize NFT Watch by providing a Smart Contract to allow the community and Guards to act 100% independent of any marketplace, while allowing all marketplaces to integrate NFT Watch.
  • A lot of people are interested in helping us to reach a bigger audience and onboard new users by creating graphics (28,9%), writing articles (23,7%) and creating videos (10,5%). Some would even be interested in hosting virtual meetups (13,2%) or local meetups (13,2%). Thanks everybody for the support, we will definitely reach out to you guys when we’re closer to the (re-)launch 🤝

Additional Feedback

  • “keep building guys!”
  • “We can’t wait to see what Soon has in store! 🚀”
  • “Only up from here! 🚀”
  • “Thank You SoonMarket — Imagination”
  • “change to scrolling view for collections” we are considering to switch to infinity scroll everywhere ;-)
  • “Will love to help the team to push soon to the next level”
  • “Well done guys. Keep up the great work”
  • “nothing more to add😊”
  • “Thanx for your hard work & for your curtesy to the community in keeping us informed! You guys got this…LFG!!! 💜🤘⚛️Ⓜ️🔥”
  • “Maybe a watchlist would be nice 😊” yes, we will introduce watchlist ;-)
  • “Less is more! :-)”
  • “You guys Rock, Thnx”
  • “I wish us all the best.”
  • “I think make a big airdrop to invite more people coming to this space” we currently have no plans in that regards, but we agree that this would be a good way to attract new users
  • “creator profiles, creator stats, profit/loss calculations, distribution tools (rip bountyblok), mass minting tools (nft manager).” some of this is definitely planned ;-)
  • “When to the Moon?” SOON 🤞
  • “Great work, keep it up!!”
  • “Carrying out a large campaign to introduce protected collections and collections that are still active today. we are ready to help and give free NFT.” let’s organize this when we’re closer to the (re-)launch 🤝
  • “Great job so far. I haven’t been actively involved lately due to personal and professional reasons but would love to get involved more and also would love to work for Metallicus some day.” we are not related to Metallicus, you should probably visit ;-)
  • “Would love to be able to mint and use NFT packs somehow with the Soon Market” minting is already possible and will be improved in the future. NFT packs can be a future topic, but are not on our feature list at this point.
  • “Me personally I really like and all they have done thus far. Very excited for what’s too come! Keep up the great work!”
  • “Burn and earn”
  • “I haven’t used soon market enough to provide input.”

Survey Results

