Welcome to the SooSpaper

Itay Alush
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

I’ve always had a passion for writing. It’s something I love and do on occasion, but recently I decided to take it a step further — and this is that step. Welcome to the SooSpaper! the SooSpaper is a place where me and a group of my friends share stories, write articles about interesting things we like, and more.

Each one of us is going to write about different things here. I plan to write about Tech, music, and the world of FOSS (free and open source software). these are subjects that I love, and as you will soon hopefully find, connect in a very interesting way.

~Itay Alush

Yeah, that’s true, he really likes this stuff. Hi, I’m Jonathan, or jjjon, another writer in the SooS team. I’m the most unlikable of the bunch, so you will probably recognize me by my terrible humor.

So, after this touching intro, we officially met, and I probably got your attention, (Or I didn't) I can talk about the important part. You will probably encounter a wild jjjon in most articles that talk about science. You see, the other idiots I’m working with just don’t know anything in that area and are genuinely stupid enough to need my help, so, guess I’ll have to babysit you with another article about chemistry and science while Itay is busy writing about Linux and why Ubuntu sucks. Was nice meet you, or it wasn’t, after all i don’t know who would read this honestly.

~Jonathan Gontmakher

Hello I’m Eran Cohen, or more commonly known as Shranos. You’re probably thinking to yourself: “Shranos? what’s that name?” well, you see, I’m the son of Shrek and Thanos. I love math and… logarithmic… and… that’s basically it. jjjon might say he is the smartest and that he knows about science and things, don’t listen to him, I’M THE SMARTEST. I will mostly write about math but I also like tech, programming and video games. Anyways I hope you enjoy whatever I’m writing although I’ll just write about my homework I guess.

~Eran Cohen

See you around!

