Writer’s Blog #1

Sophia Ortiz
Sophia’s Digital Writing
3 min readJan 22, 2024

After reading the assigned chapters I was really interested in the idea of digital media and how it is continuously changing our world. Digital media has given people the ability to do so many things that would have been more difficult to accomplish before this new creation. One example that the Chapter 1 reading states is, “the ability to shoot and edit digital photos and videos.” I find joy in taking pictures of the world around me and documenting these amazing moments I am so lucky to experience. I created an Instagram page that is dedicated to me sharing my pictures with my followers. I also love creating montage videos and posting them on my TikTok page. I take a collection of videos, merge them together, and add a song in the background. Social media makes it a lot easier to reach a larger audience from all over the world. I am able to find people that share similar interests to me in a quicker amount of time. This would have never been possible without the invention of the digital media.

Photo by Bastian Riccardi on Unsplash

Digital media and technology provides so many tools. The digital world has changed the way classes are run and how students work. Technology, like computers, allows students to type notes rather than write them by hand. I find typing my notes to be so much easier and there are so many pros. Typing is so much more efficient. It shows grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, and typing is so much faster. I am also able to download all my books for class on my computer instead of carrying around a heavy textbook. Although I am a fan of technology in class, some people are not. My religion teacher has said multiple times that he does not allow us to have our computers open in class. He thinks that they are distractions for us. To keep us 100% focused in class, we must keep our computers in our bags and only write notes by hand. My teacher told us that writing notes by hand actually helps people to retain the information better. The only difficult part about writing my notes in my notebook is that I am a very slow writer. Sometimes I focus on what I am writing and I miss new information that he says. This is one reason I personally prefer taking advantage of the new features the digital media provides.

Digital media was a key factor in the Covid 19 era. Schools completely shut down and everything was done from home. Students and teachers would log into zoom and have class virtually. It was a weird transition. One day I was physically in class then 2 weeks later I was in a virtual classroom. This made it much more difficult to pay attention to the material being taught. I would constantly get distracted by seeing my classmates’ faces on the screen in front of me or by the activities going on in my own household. It was also so weird because it limited human interaction. The only people I saw during this time were my immediate family. It was so sad only being able to facetime and text my friends.

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

