Writer’s Blog #2

Sophia Ortiz
Sophia’s Digital Writing
3 min readJan 29, 2024

The digital media has opened up a new world of possibilities and ideas for all humans. Humans have access to the entire internet and different social media platforms at their fingertips. What does this new invention mean for this constantly evolving world? Like all things in life, the digital media has its advantages and disadvantages. It is up to us to decide how we want to use it.

It is hard to think that there was a time of no internet or technology. The digital world has taken over all of our lives. In our world today, humans need technology to function. We are constantly picking up our phones and scrolling through every social media platform. I definitely see myself doing this action way too many times in one day. Sometimes I do not even remember the content of the videos I just watched because this action is part of my daily routine.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I always have my phone in my hand while walking to class and need it sitting next to me at all times. It feels as if my whole life is on my phone. My phone contains everything such as photos, text messages, videos, emails, and full access to all my social media platforms. If a hacker ever gains access to my device then they will know my entire identity. That is a crazy statement to think about.

A big social platform that was mentioned in the readings was YouTube. YouTube is a place where people from all over the world can share their videos online for everyone to see. YouTube allows for people to be creative and to show their personality through their content. This platform has changed so many people’s lives for the better. People have gained fame, new friendships, partnerships, job opportunities, and lots of money. An example of one of these people is MrBeast. MrBeast is a youtuber who has over 230 million subscribers. That is an insane amount of people.

I think people enjoy watching his videos because they are fast paced. This allows the viewer to stay entertained throughout the entire duration of the video. This aspect is essential for the continuation of his YouTube career, especially after the creation of TikTok. This app has made humans have a shorter attention span. It is a lot harder to focus on a 20 minute video rather than a 15 second video without getting distracted or disinterested. Sometimes I can not even watch a movie all the way through without picking up my phone. It is a bad habit that I am not able to break.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Technology has completely changed all our lives and the world that we live in. Our world is evolving everyday. Humans are addicted to technology and the digital media. This is the world we live in now. Personally, I am 50/50 on the way I feel about this invention. I love technology, the features it provides, and how it makes life 10 times easier. However, I also love the outdoors and having quality time with my family. Technology often takes us away from the beautiful creations of the world around us. We often forget to appreciate the little things in life because we are distracted by the world of technology.

